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Old SONAR bug that persists

Steven de Jong

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I understood we also report bugs here. Here goes. This is a bug that you inherited from SONAR, at least v7.

  1. Open a project with many tracks.
  2. Select all tracks and a number of measures.
  3. Do Cut Special or Delete Special.
  4. Select Delete Hole.

The hole is randomly deleted for some tracks and not for other tracks.

I always have to delete the measures without selecting Delete Hole. Then I select everything after the hole, Cut and Paste it.

Having said this: I'm missing the option to always open the "Special" versions of Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete.

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12 hours ago, msmcleod said:

Cut Special / Delete Special should now be using Ripple edit under the hood in most circumstances - it's done this for over a year now.

If you've got a project where it's not doing this, please share it.


Hi Mark, thanks for your quick reply! I have Cakewalk 2020.11. Try this:

  1. Ctrl-A
  2. Set Now marker to measure 21
  3. Select Thru=Now
  4. Pick Delete Special in the menu
  5. Check "Delete Hole" and every other option.

Expected behaviour: 20 measures cut from all tracks.

Real behaviour: 20 measures cut from some tracks.

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4 hours ago, Steven de Jong said:

Mixob6-pre1-startwithmelody-endwithideas.cwp 1.42 MB · 0 downloads

Hi Mark, thanks for your quick reply! I have Cakewalk 2020.11. Try this:

  1. Ctrl-A
  2. Set Now marker to measure 21
  3. Select Thru=Now
  4. Pick Delete Special in the menu
  5. Check "Delete Hole" and every other option.

Expected behaviour: 20 measures cut from all tracks.

Real behaviour: 20 measures cut from some tracks.

Ok, what is happening is that tracks that have no events between the project start and measure 21 are excluded from the selection, and as a result those tracks don't have the hole deleted.

Incidentally, if I force Cakewalk not to use ripple edit under the hood for delete hole, the old delete hole behaviour is exactly the same... in other words, it only deletes the hole in clips that actually had something deleted.

If you want it to delete everything in the project regardless, then use Ripple Edit All.  It's much quicker in any case:


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Probably it's because some of the clips are locked, maybe only position-locked.

I did report this more than once. They said it has to work like that, but in my opinion this is not what a user will expect! If you lock a clip, e.g. to a position, then the idea behind that is to lock it to a logical song position and this position may move when deleting a part of the song or inserting a new part somewhere. So IMHO the current behavior doesn't make sense ☹️. But I learned the work-around (like so many in CbB), i.e. first unlock all clips, then do ripple-edit and finally lock the clips again (how elaborate if not all of them should be locked!). Fortunately, most of the time I don't forget to do it this way! ?

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The tracks whose measures aren't being deleted were empty already so there was nothing to delete and as a result, the hole was not deleted.
The tracks whose measures are being deleted had events of one form or another in them so they were deleted and then the hole was deleted.

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On 1/4/2021 at 2:01 PM, msmcleod said:

Ok, what is happening is that tracks that have no events between the project start and measure 21 are excluded from the selection, and as a result those tracks don't have the hole deleted.

Incidentally, if I force Cakewalk not to use ripple edit under the hood for delete hole, the old delete hole behaviour is exactly the same... in other words, it only deletes the hole in clips that actually had something deleted.

If you want it to delete everything in the project regardless, then use Ripple Edit All.  It's much quicker in any case:


Thanks for the reply and showing me what to do.

I still think if you select all tracks and then delete a hole, you expect that hole to be deleted on all selected tracks, regardless of whether there's something in them. Otherwise why select them?

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