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How this mix sounds to you?


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Hi there 

I just mixed one of my songs, I'm quite a newbie and self learner and I really need some feedback from more expert people.

Please consider I did the bass track with a guitar pitch shifter just temporary, I don't have a bass yet, I will do it properly later so don't comment the bass please.

I made the drums with NI Studio Drummer Plugin.

Can someone tell me how it sounds? is there something I should improve? Does the drums sound realistic?

I'm mostly worried about the clipping and hotness of the mix, also about the EQing, I simply did a high pass and low pass on the guitars, didn't go to search for the other unwanted frequencies doing cuts etc.  So I'm not sure whether some guitar frequencies are covering other drums frequencies and so on, I'm not sure how to do that I'm simply using the EQ in Cakewalk that you add on each track, I'm notable just by listening to understand what .

consider this is a non mastered version yet.

Despite the general audio is kept quite low as you can hear, the drums is clipping a little bit in yellow, not over 0 anyway, cause I put some compression on it




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The master volume is low and not clipping, but the drums tracks is clipping breaking the -6db, if I put down the drums volume not to clip, I will have to low down the rest as well making it even lower.

it’s clipping in the distorted part at around 3min

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3 hours ago, Marcello said:

Hi there 

I don't have a bass yet, I will do it properly later so don't comment the bass please.


23 minutes ago, garybrun said:

The bass is not down the middle... I believe its over in the right speaker?




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5 minutes ago, jack c. said:

i like this here song.bass sound fits song.down the middle means ya can pan left or right or in the middle.great recording all around job.jack c.

Thanks! but the bass should not be panned right or left correct? it should stay in the center.

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First, there's a lot to like about this composition.  I like the overall arrangement, the haunting chord progression, and the guitar tones.  The song has decent dynamics that can easily be maintained even after mastering this.  I hope you intend to write lyrics for this, as it needs either a vocal track or an instrumental solo to fill the need for something to tie this all together.  Your use of EQ is OK, and the drums are relatively balanced with what's there.  If you're worried about the drums clipping, apply a limiter on their output to keep them in check.  Not worried about the bass until you say so.  All in all, you're on the right track, so what you may lack in knowledge, trust your instincts to get you to the finish line.

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19 minutes ago, Lynn Wilson said:

First, there's a lot to like about this composition.  I like the overall arrangement, the haunting chord progression, and the guitar tones.  The song has decent dynamics that can easily be maintained even after mastering this.  I hope you intend to write lyrics for this, as it needs either a vocal track or an instrumental solo to fill the need for something to tie this all together.  Your use of EQ is OK, and the drums are relatively balanced with what's there.  If you're worried about the drums clipping, apply a limiter on their output to keep them in check.  Not worried about the bass until you say so.  All in all, you're on the right track, so what you may lack in knowledge, trust your instincts to get you to the finish line.

Well done Lynn.
My apologies  @Marcello  I didn't read your full post and went straight for the listen.
Lynn has given you some great comments.

All the best,


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1 hour ago, Lynn Wilson said:

First, there's a lot to like about this composition.  I like the overall arrangement, the haunting chord progression, and the guitar tones.  The song has decent dynamics that can easily be maintained even after mastering this.  I hope you intend to write lyrics for this, as it needs either a vocal track or an instrumental solo to fill the need for something to tie this all together.  Your use of EQ is OK, and the drums are relatively balanced with what's there.  If you're worried about the drums clipping, apply a limiter on their output to keep them in check.  Not worried about the bass until you say so.  All in all, you're on the right track, so what you may lack in knowledge, trust your instincts to get you to the finish line.

Thanks a lot for the comments! Do you suggest any particular limiter plugin for cakewalk?

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20 minutes ago, Marcello said:

Thanks a lot for the comments! Do you suggest any particular limiter plugin for cakewalk?

Which ones do you have?  I like Adaptive Limiter which came with Sonar, but there are tons of freebies available at the KVR website that will do the job.  Set the output to something like -0.3 to -0.5 and experiment with the threshold until it sounds good and loud to you, but don't overdo it.  Let you ears be the guide.

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34 minutes ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Which ones do you have?  I like Adaptive Limiter which came with Sonar, but there are tons of freebies available at the KVR website that will do the job.  Set the output to something like -0.3 to -0.5 and experiment with the threshold until it sounds good and loud to you, but don't overdo it.  Let you ears be the guide.

Honelstly? Not using one! LOL , I'm just looking at the faders that won't go red and using Free-G to see if it stays between -18 and -6db

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I really like the hypnotic vibe. Very nice interplay of instruments.
The Cakewalk Adaptive Limiter is good, as Lynn mentioned.

A couple of things that I noticed:
The drums seemed a little off the beat starting around 2:15.
The instruments are panned too far right and left.
The mix seemed okay to me, but I'm no audio engineer.

Good job on this and thanks for posting.

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You have the makings of a good track here. One of the things I do when mixing, is to use a Master Buss Compressor and mix into that - I use the Glue by Cytomic but there are other alternatives, some which are free.


This would help you keep everything controlled and "glued" together.

The Guitars are panned a bit too wide as Bjorn mentioned, but keep working on this, it will be good when you have it done.



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3 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:


You have the makings of a good track here. One of the things I do when mixing, is to use a Master Buss Compressor and mix into that - I use the Glue by Cytomic but there are other alternatives, some which are free.


This would help you keep everything controlled and "glued" together.

The Guitars are panned a bit too wide as Bjorn mentioned, but keep working on this, it will be good when you have it done.



Thanks for the comment!!

No need for this, LANDR mastering tool does not recommend it.

"Mastering involves compression techniques that use this space in order to add intensity, presence and glue your mix together - if the dynamic range is already gone - there’s not much LANDR can do on that front.

 The main culprit behind mixes with low dynamic range is heavy compression or limiting. We get it, using compression and limiting at the master or stereo output of your mix adds loudness and intensity, and you want your mix to be BIG! - but if you’re planning on using LANDR for that final touch - LANDR will take care of this for you. If you like mixing loud, no worries - just turn your monitors up!"

Edited by Marcello
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14 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

I really like the hypnotic vibe. Very nice interplay of instruments.
The Cakewalk Adaptive Limiter is good, as Lynn mentioned.

A couple of things that I noticed:
The drums seemed a little off the beat starting around 2:15.
The instruments are panned too far right and left.
The mix seemed okay to me, but I'm no audio engineer.

Good job on this and thanks for posting.

Thanks a lot! for the left right pan, if toocentered it gives the impression that it's mashing up the guitars track resulting in less clarity of what single guitars are doing.

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3 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:


You have the makings of a good track here. One of the things I do when mixing, is to use a Master Buss Compressor and mix into that - I use the Glue by Cytomic but there are other alternatives, some which are free.


This would help you keep everything controlled and "glued" together.

The Guitars are panned a bit too wide as Bjorn mentioned, but keep working on this, it will be good when you have it done.



"Do I add compression, limiting? Dithering?

Music-makers and engineers alike use plugins in creative ways, everyone’s got their little tricks and we love that.

Like we mentioned, Compressors are often a vital tool used to control dynamics and we encourage you to use them as needed. Just remember that LANDR can do more for your mix if you’re gentler and more calculated with your compression techniques. Compression can eat up your dynamic range and the heavier you apply it (especially when used on your entire mix) - the less you’re giving LANDR to work with.

Limiters are also useful for more than just brickwalling and boosting. Use these wherever you like, but we don’t recommend slapping one on to your master channel and pushing it for the sake of overall loudness - LANDR’s an expert at this and will take care of it for you."

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limiter plugin

                             their are endless vst plugins available for free many are better then the paid ones.

                  each song i use a tad of the following eq,compressor,verb-delay.


                          never used this.

great site for some free vst plugins.KVR website             vstplanet        jack c.


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