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Tell me i'm dreaming !!


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Guyz , you remeber , last year the mega Magix sales , i went for web designer premium and all the stuff that comes with .


I didn' t really had the time to use , but i saw some online content (website models) that were cool ...ok ..

Today i was thinking : time to make this damm website ..i open it and it said " updates are to be renewed " i said to myself damn i should have updated at least once since lol , but no big deal ...i open my old project , and then want to go on the online ressources (that you can download local but what for ? ) and DAMMM access denied : upgrade needed ...even the online ressources !!!! now i fuking understand why you should download the content local ....


Am i dreaming ? i went magix because i hate what Adobe became with their sub , but Magix did the same thing , different style !!


Please tell me i'm wrong !!

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Ok i called them , instant answer , super cool woman , she confirmed this , and gave me 6 months extra ... and she told me to download content on local , at least TOP notch support ....and in French lol

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4 minutes ago, craigb said:

Ok, you're dreaming!  ?


(And I only use Adobe CS6 - I HATE subscription-based stuff and am already forced to do it with Microsoft's suite...)

Thk God !!

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I use the xara line if products extensively for design in my business for website mockups (which are then developed in Joomla).  There are good and bad things about it.  I don't like the way their subscription works, but the products are good for what we need them for.  I use the Designer Pro application not web designer.

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