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MErry Xmas from Man Makes Noise!

Tapsa Kuusniemi

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Man Makes Noise wishes all of you a merry Xmas. Here's a gift from me to you: a free Omnisphere library! Based on the orchestral sounds in the Versilian Studios VCSO Community Edition, this library transforms and mutates them into something new and fantastic:

And did I mention it is free?


So grab it here: https://www.manmakesnoise.com/mutated

Original tease message:

Something new from Man Makes Noise is coming in just two days, but had to share this before that. 100% the library... 

Edited by Tapsa Kuusniemi
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  • 2 weeks later...

 @Tapsa Kuusniemi I'm fairly new to Omnisphere having bought it in the run up to Christmas and only just got around to trying Mutated.

There are some really good patches and for free it's a no brainer. Thanks for an excellent freebie!

Now you have me interested in some of your other Omnisphere libraries.

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  On 1/6/2021 at 7:19 PM, ZincT said:

 @Tapsa Kuusniemi I'm fairly new to Omnisphere having bought it in the run up to Christmas and only just got around to trying Mutated.

There are some really good patches and for free it's a no brainer. Thanks for an excellent freebie!

Now you have me interested in some of your other Omnisphere libraries.


You're welcome. :)

All of my sets have a free test version available, do check them out. :)

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