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Bandlab Assistant can't login


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When clicking login from Bandlab Assistant v on Windows 10 20H2 a browser page is opened with url: "https://accounts.bandlab.com/oauth/connect/authorize?redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A4342%2Fcallback&client_id=bandlab_assistant&response_type=code&state=xxx&scope=openid%20offline_access&code_challenge=xxx&code_challenge_method=S256" which results in an error: localhost refused to connect. (state and code challenge replaced by xxx)

Can't update Cakewalk. Can login with no issues to this site.

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Hello fellow Cakewalk Musicians, Sound Engineers , and Covid Prisoners. I'm Hank and probably like some of you, I have been self isolating inside the Music Studio for Months now.  With too much time on my hands the good news is I'm alive and my guitar playing has never been better. I have never seen a pdf Manual with 1,740 pages and a 39 page Table of Contents before.  Since I'm a nube, I don't know much and appreciate all of your "way over my head" help and interesting content. I recently ran into  the Red "Re-Activate or Else" warning. It seemed simple enough with a "click here" at the bottom of the message, but it didn't work. Rather than get frustratingly crazy, I shut down and took my frustrations out by watching "The 100" on  Prime Video. This morning I logged into Cakewalk  Discuss , booted my dedicated Music Studio laptop and realized BandLab Assistant was not working. I followed danivilo's advice and used IoBit Uninstaller (love that free program)  to uninstall BandLab Assistant. I then started Cakewalk. On startup Cakewalk informed me that I needed Bandlab Assistant. I followed the prompt to reinstall  Bandlab Assistant and that went seamlessly, Cakewalk booted just like nothing ever happened. It was not necessary to uninstall/reinstall Cakewalk.  I don't know much but am able to use a blank template to get two tracks ready for recording, can hit the Spacebar to record and CtrlZ  to undo recording. I am grasping at straws trying the simplest of things like learning to edit, but have a long way to go. I appreciate all the great input and experience from you guys on this forum   I have been following Secret Sauce on YouTube, and like  "Mike"I hope you are well (and staying safe)

Thanks, Hank


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I have been following Secret Sauce on YouTube,  

Thanks, Hank

That's the way to do it. His videos are fun to watch. The stock Cakewalk ones are informative but dry.  But it took me 15 years to figure things out and I'm still learning! Just one task at a time. If you have a question just use Google and 99% of the time the answer is there. 

A very handy tool while learning is the HELP module found in the Browser on the right. If it's not there go to Views. 


Edited by John Vere
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  • 2 months later...

Had this issue myself today 'you have 11 days to activate...' warning.  Its previously worked flawlessly. It allows me to log in via the website, but not cakewalk itself. This *I suspect* is from the most recent update. 

It's taken me 20 years of finally finding a prog that does what I want it to - yes, it's a bit of a steep learning  curve, but for this recent issue. Changed the passwords - everything. bar uninstalling/reinstalling anything. 


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to follow up: it seems that the previous update (which my computer totally failed to acknowledge until about 2 weeks ago) screwed things up. so, out of curiosity, I checked to see if there were any updates - there was!!

and it all works again (yay!) so far... and I was able to log in. fare thee well 7 day warning!

this has not been a good week for audio around here. one prog sorted, 2 to go ?

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm having this problem too. I've uninstalled/re-installed. I've put Bandlab Assistant on my firewall and given it access and run as admin, nothing works. When I press the  "Log In" button it always tries to open up the following link in my browser: http://localhost:4342/callback?code=71923C89ECDDB82E27F77865D994F2EEBE4AFE8673A4BDB1DA72A8E1655E625A&scope=openid offline_access&state=YnBIrU7RZs&session_state=ckYU-z_uPPfobhxcS6SQLIAYwUKxRbQDkEKLJuQQfWc.AA19AD300C19AEF14A69F8362C7A3425


This site can’t be reached.

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On 5/23/2022 at 12:26 AM, pwalpwal said:

that URL looks like the developer didn't change it when deployed to the prod server - -slightly worrying given bandlab is a web co

glad it got sorted

Actually what is happening is the local Bandlab Assistant is opening the Bandlab website in your browser to do auth, and then the Bandlab website is trying to reinvoke the local Bandlab Assistant to let it know that you've authorized. So localhost is the correct URL and there's nothing to worry about regarding devs 'forgetting' to update production URLs.

The problem is browser HTTPS redirection and not being able to verify the local certificate, which Chrome and Chrome-based browsers seem pretty insistent on despite having settings specifically for localhost. I had this problem and managed to get past it by calling the auth URL using Postman with all the HTTPS settings set as leniently as possible.

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  • 7 months later...

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