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Just installed Cakewalk, no sound output. Help Please?


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Hi Stevie and John,

Found my problem, I  had not selected the correct output in Tracks under the Audio Outputs -  selected - ASIO4All v2HDA Primary ouput 1 , ( previously it was showing Master ) and then I clicked on various instruments in the drum set that I'd previously loaded, I first used  my mouse and got the sound ok and pleased to say likewise the sounds would also play using the correct  keys on the synth keyboard.

So I then saved the page as a project and then reopened it, but strangely got the same warning message " Silent Buses Detected",  but I then went into the saved project and it played the sounds ok as before. ?

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47 minutes ago, John Vere said:

Thanks, I have made a few midi tutorials because I had 2 friends who started out from scratch a few years ago. They found most of the videos talked way over their heads. They had never done any recording in the past and the terminology requires a dictionary of Studio language. So I made the tutorials for them. I always learn something new when I do this and from setting up to do the above video I figured a few things out I didn't know in the past. 

A setting buried deep in the windows sound menus to "Listen to this device" to make my mike work for the screen capture among them. It was an actual battle to get on board audio working properly which surprised me. But Windows is overly complicated and assumes to many things that are not correct for DAW users. 

The no sound issue comes up a lot here. I see now that the main reason will be the list of sound card output options. Cakewalk defaults to the output at the top of the list which is in most case the Digital output. The one your not using. So No sound. To make matters worse for Newbies the Buss pane is hidden from view so they don't even know it exists or what a Master bus is for. I bet there are a lot of people who finnish projects and never looked at the Master bus. 

After working with the onboard sound to make the video it only convinced me that a proper audio interface is very much required to have things work the way they should with Cakewalk, OBS (screen capture) , and even Vegas ( video editor).  Audio interfaces start at around $50 a small price to pay for improving sound quality and workflow. 

Spot on there John,

I suspect that my on board audio (Realtek) might not be the best for this purpose, although I've got the most up to date drivers, I have also got a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Fx card that I could install instead and delete all the Realtek stuff instead,  Any thoughts please ?

Thanks again.

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Don't go for the sound blaster!! Realtek is 100% better. as far as on board audio goes. 100's of posts about issues with Creative audio drivers. 

You can get by just fine with on board for listening , using audio that is already recorded ( loops) and midi with VST instruments. No problem, but you cannot record audio very well if at all , it will be out of sync and kind of hard to plug anything professional into that little pink jack. 

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4 hours ago, Stephen Dey said:

I  had not selected the correct output in Tracks under the Audio Outputs -  selected - ASIO4All v2HDA Primary ouput 1 , ( previously it was showing Master

The Master probably needs to be set to the same output. That's the silent bus.
Welcome to the forum.

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16 hours ago, 57Gregy said:

The Master probably needs to be set to the same output. That's the silent bus.
Welcome to the forum.

Hi 57Gregy and thanks for welcome and advice on "The Master probably needs to be set to the same output" , where is that located please ?


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It is  a pretty good idea to use a master bus and have all audio and instrument tracks ultimately flow through it.

All the project templates bundled with CbB have a master bus set up.

The bus pane is at the bottom of the track view. 

SHIFT+B toggles bus display. There is also a button below to the right side of the bus headers to toggle the display too.

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2 hours ago, Stephen Dey said:

Hi 57Gregy and thanks for welcome and advice on "The Master probably needs to be set to the same output" , where is that located please ?


I guess you didn't watch my video. That was part of my tutorial.   You should start your own thread I can't keep it straight who I'm responding to, The OP or you. Your both Steve.  

Edited by John Vere
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  • 10 months later...

I have exactly the same situation! The screenshots you displayed are the same for me.

The thing is, it was working perfectly yesterday when I shut my laptop down but when I fired it up this morning, nada!

I know my speakers are working because I'm able to play mp3 and other audio files.


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On 12/13/2020 at 3:16 PM, StevieM said:

Thanks again guys.

I have watched tutorial vids but none explain how to sort this problem, and there's no point watching any more on how to use it until I've got some sound.

It might all be no good anyway. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling because I know sometimes there can be a glitch that gets sorted doing that, but tried 4 times now and it gets to downloading 5/5 ---- then nothing! Nothing downloaded or installed, no error message, nothing.

I know the first time I tried to install before it took me about 3 tries before it did it.

If it still doesn't install this time, or I have the same sound problem I think I might just give up and try Waveform or something, but I really would like Cakewalk as it seems to be about the best and most comprehensive of the free programes.

Oh well, just wait and see.


I'm in exactly the same position as you. Stuck!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I just had the same problem. The solution for me was this:

Check your -> Preferences -> Driver Settings -> Audio driver Bit Depth and set it properly.

Mine was set to 32, when in reality my audio card only supported 24. Once I changed it to 24, works perfect. You can check your audio card bit rate by right clicking the sound icon in taskbar, go to Sounds -> Playback -> Right click on your device and go to properties -> Advanced tab and click on Default Format dropdown. There you will see it.

Hope this helps

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/13/2020 at 9:41 PM, John Vere said:

 But I think the OP output in the master is defaulting to the Digital out which is what mine does. Took an hour to get the mike to work in my screen capture via on board, I did this video buy screen capture, importing to Cake and adding narration. That's why it sucks. I exported the video and it was terrible quality???  What's with that?  I exported the audio and dumped it into Movie Maker. 

You can't screen capture via interface and demonstrate on board audio, think about that one. Had to dig in box of oddball wires. Figured out my Tascam works as a stand alone mixer. Mike set up as normal, and Monitor outs via adaptor cable to the pink jack on back of CPU. 

Anyhow the more I work with on board audio the more I'm glad I don't use it! I love my new M4! 5 stars and then some. 


This helped a lot , thanks for the information. I got my sound problem sorted out!!!!



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  • 1 year later...

I installed Cakewalk.. I recorded a "testing 1,, 2,, 3,,,  played back fine, so I try to record over that track.. failed, won't record my voice again.. after test worked.. thanks anyway.
I  edited this because I haven't figured out how to delete this post


Edited by Admiral Cigneous
Did not see way to delete post, so I made final edit
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  • 11 months later...

I tried all suggestions here still no cigar… I use Audition & Logic on the Mac so not that noob … funny thing is it was working fine even got a cool VST for Hammond which actually I recorded for a section of a song in Cakewalk..,then it went mute all levels show on the screen but no sound, all other apps have no issue with the sound I want to have daw backup on the win box but not sure if it’s worth it spending more time ?funny thing is while playing with this I clicked on Piano roll view and sound came back but didn’t last  more than a minute or so then back to mute 

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