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Just installed Cakewalk, no sound output. Help Please?


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I'm a pretty much a complete noob when it comes to DAW, and I've just installed Cakewalk.

I don't have any MIDI instruments plugged in or anything, just trying to use the built-in virtual ones ( Drums,Keyboard etc) but I'm not getting any sound out at all.

I get this Silent Buses message come up.

I've attached screenh shots of various other driver/devices/playback settings for ref.

Any help or insights very welcome. As simple as possible please, because I'm pretty simple?

Screenshot (6).png

Screenshot (2).png

Screenshot (5).png

Screenshot (8).png

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To use ASIO driver mode (the last image) requires a device with an ASIO driver.

If you are running Win10 and are using the internal sound chip in the PC try WASAPI Shared or WASAPI Exclusive driver modes in the Playback and recording screen.

Once the driver mode is set, the devices using that mode will appear in Devices preferences.

Once the device is selected, the Driver Settings preferences will be populated and the warning in the first image should go away.

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Do you have an audio interface or are you using Windows sound?  

Are these old projects you are opening? 

You normally won't get that message unless you change output devices. If I turned off my audio interface I get that warning. Cakewalk is looking for my interface. 


Go to your master Bus and see what it's output is set for. If you do have an interface then you need to install the drivers and make sure it is working by checking windows audio settings. If not then do as Scook says and use WASAPI and make sure to click APPLY 

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I only put the drums up there to show what I was trying to get sound out of, and check there's nothing turned off that shouldn't be Scook?.

It could be a faulty setup as I've no idea how to do it anyway.

I'm using Windows Sound John, all new projects, I've only just downloaded and installed Cakewalk.

What and where is the Master bus? Are there any other settings screens I can do a screenshot of and show you guys?

I tried WASAPI ( both of them) both still nothing.

I know I'm an old guy but I'm not normally this dim at sorting things out, but completely boggled at what I have to do here.?

Edited by StevieM
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Lots of old guys here, including me.
In Track View, click the control outlined in red to bring up any busses already available.
If there are no busses, right-click in the empty bus pane and Insert 1 or more. Double-click the name of the bus and name it whatever you want, like Master or Guitars, etc.
All busses should have their outputs set to the Master, and the Master's output should be set to the sound card's or audio interface's output.


Master audio controls.jpg

Edited by 57Gregy
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As anyone can see on your first  photo, Cakewalk says  that the silent bus detected is Master Bus.

On the second photo Cakewalk says that playback timing master is "none" as it is the record timing master.

This clearly says that your DAW is not connected to an Audio Interface.


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The Master Bus is in the bus pane which might be hidden at bottom. Use shift B to unhide bus pane. 

It might be best the OP watch a few of the tutorial videos as it will be a lot of repeating information already easily accessible. They are just struggling with the very basic set up procedure.  

https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/35-tutorials/      These are the ones supplied by Cakewalk.  

Then I have a series as well 



Edited by John Vere
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Thanks again guys.

I have watched tutorial vids but none explain how to sort this problem, and there's no point watching any more on how to use it until I've got some sound.

It might all be no good anyway. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling because I know sometimes there can be a glitch that gets sorted doing that, but tried 4 times now and it gets to downloading 5/5 ---- then nothing! Nothing downloaded or installed, no error message, nothing.

I know the first time I tried to install before it took me about 3 tries before it did it.

If it still doesn't install this time, or I have the same sound problem I think I might just give up and try Waveform or something, but I really would like Cakewalk as it seems to be about the best and most comprehensive of the free programes.

Oh well, just wait and see.


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Most of the tutorials all assume you will have an audio interface because that is best practices. Trying to get on board audio working smoothly is a bit more work because Cakewalk and most DAW's are designed to work with ASIO driver support. Audio interfaces start at only $50. Recording equipment used to cost $$$$ $50 and a free DAW is pretty cheap. 

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I have sound!!!!!!!!!

I just have to make sure that all the in/out boxes are checked to speakers ------- there's some sneaky little whatsits in there?.

All I have to do now is learn how to use it. A long road ahead I think.

Eventually I'll probably get round to hooking up midi keyboard etc, but just for now working solely with onboard stuff.

Thanks again for all your input and help guys.


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On 12/16/2020 at 9:13 AM, Stephen Dey said:

Hi there Stevie,

I've got the same error msg as well mate,   When you say "make sure all the in/out boxes are checked to  speakers" where are these located please ?

Watch the video I made for him, I demonstrate how to set up for on board.  I figured that was his issue. 


Edited by John Vere
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Hi Stephen.

I'm still having a few problems, mainly now finding out how to record anything only using virtual instruments, either no sound or not recording.

I think I probably just need to find the tutorial or two.

I've put this screen shot up showing where to find onboard speakers. There are a few other places, but I can't remember where they are yet untill I actually use them again?.

If you look at the bottom of the control panel ( with the sliders) on the  Left hand side you'll see "Spkrs HighDfn" .

On the track boxes themselves, left hand side, under the little square boxes  it's "SpkrsHg"

A couple of boxes where it says "Master" can be switched to speakers as well.

I hope this helps. If I work anything else out I'll post it here.


Screenshot (14).png

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Did I waist my time making the tutorial? I made it just for you. And you need a master bus,99% of users do it that way. Yes you can go directly to your sound card but there are good reasons to use the master bus. One is once you have a dozen tracks playing you will have no idea of how loud the combined tracks have become. The video I made you covers all this. There are plenty of good tutorial videos. Just google your question and include Cakewalk in that. 

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Hi John.

No, you didn't waste your time doing that, it was very helpful. thankyou.

Please understand, this is the first time I've tried using a DAW, normally I just use my Micro BR and sometimes audacity, and it's all a bit confusing at the moment.

I was only trying to get sound coming out at the moment, the other stuff will come later.



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