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Import MIDI from Android app goes wrong [SOLVED]


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Hi, I've been using an Android app for transcribing songs to music staff, it's called Maestro and it's a cool free software!
But I’ve been having an issue when exporting music to MIDI files, because I can’t use them on any of my DAWs or sheet music editors without having to adjust them.

In time, I hope I could get help on this forum, I wonder which forum fits better.

As an example when I import Maestro MIDI file to CbB I’ll have to stretch MIDI clip like 96 % so it will match Cakewalk project (but I still have to repeat this procedure to get a good result).

It’s like an offset issue, as there are 1/32 rests to fit melody on DAW project.

* That also happens on Reaper, Musescore, Finale Notepad and Sibelius First.

Has anyone seen this kind of issue? 

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Edited by mgustavo
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Hi, 57Gregy !

Yes I've tried both but that doesn't work.
I thought the problem could be related to the method of sharing the file (via bluetooth), but I've just opened it on Android BandLab and it still doesn't import easily to the project (clip is a bit out of grid).

Also this app allow user to export music to MP3, maybe that could work on CbB, as one could adjust audio clip to grid and convert it do MIDI with ARA.
I've already exported one song to audio but first I'd like to try more with MIDI export. 

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Hi, I'd like to update OP and say I had contacted Maestro app support a few days and they answered my question yesterday.

They said they are working on to improve MIDI import and export and also gave me a tip on how to export music - one should set tempo to default value.
I've just made a quick test and it worked as expected!

Thanks for the attention!

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