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Hi guys I’m back

Michael Vogel

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m going slow but going. Actually I am starting to feel better. I’ve had a few big days travelling to and from hospital for follow up appointments in the last 6 days. Unfortunately the hospitals are about 155 away. Makes for a long day with lots of walking getting around to different departments for tests etc. while I’m at the hospital. My son-in-law has been able to rearrange his work schedule to take me. He’s a gem of a bloke.

Thankfully that travel is all over now and my ongoing care will be at our local hospital only 30 kilometres away.  Still can’t drive but hope for positive news on that subject on May 7th when reviewed by my local cardiologist. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. Just want to reiterate my appreciation for your support and well wishes. 

Tomorrow’s the day I hope to get the go ahead to drive again. 

The last several months before and after my surgery had complications that meant I wasn’t allowed to drive for medical and common sense reasons. 

I live in a small rural community with little to no public transport and cabs cost about $140 return to my nearest major town. My daughter and her family live next door to my wife and me and they’ve been a tremendous support in getting me to and from hospital and appointments that have ranged as far afield as 160 klms away. 

But the loss of independence has been soul destroying as I’ve been fine for a while now and capable of driving, just need the medical clearance. Of course my anxiety doesn’t allow me to be positive as all I can see at the moment is that there’ll be an extended waiting period inflicted on me.

Wish me luck.  


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Sadly but not unexpectedly I’m still not allowed to drive. I currently have a Loop recorder inserted under the skin in my chest. It is a small data collection device that constantly runs an ECG or EKG as you Americans would call it. 

The data is due for download on June 26 then will be reviewed by a cardiologist sometime later. If that shows nothing untoward, then I might be allowed to drive. No promises made. 

Damn. Gonna be the longest 7 weeks.  

See ya when I’m “On the Road Again”.



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8 hours ago, MUDGEL said:

Damn. Gonna be the longest 7 weeks.  

See ya when I’m “On the Road Again”.

So you are saying we should  visit down under while you're not allowed to drive........................................??

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12 hours ago, InstrEd said:

So you are saying we should  visit down under while you're not allowed to drive........................................??

Visit down under by all means. What you do down under is your business but please, no pictures. 

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