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Michael Vogel

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3 hours ago, InstrEd said:

If it helps to keep you motivated go for it.

Silly me. Didn’t make my sarcasm very clear did I?

Use apps instead of actual diet and excercise. 


Not sure about treadmills. I get very bored walking if the scenery doesn’t change and watching Tele while on a treadmill is even worse. Have tried in the past.

We have about an acre and a third (0.5 Hectares to be exact) at home so it’s easy enough to fit in a walk of many hundreds of yards without leaving home.  Can even throw in a hill or two but that’s a month or two away yet  

But have to admit that today we hit a smashing 9°C with a stiff breeze and the notion of a treadmill didn’t seem half bad.  With winter coming on maybe I have to overcome my prejudice and maybe rent one for a month or two. 

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I suppose if I’d had digital heart problems, apps would be the go. Sadly my issues were/are all analog and there ain’t no app going to replace some serious diet and exercise. 

Damn but I want to be so lazy instead of having to use will power and hard work.  My biggest enemy is late night snacking. 

How do you guys overcome the munchies. I haven’t smoked anything since May 6th 1992 so not drug induced, just habitual late night snacks?

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2 minutes ago, MUDGEL said:

How do you guys overcome the munchies

Hmmm... A daft one, I guess, but my own personal method of dealing with this is an hour after having my last meal of the day I clean my teeth. That kinda draws a line under my food intake for the day. Ain't gonna work of everyone, or anyone but me, but work it does.

And the reason for that, more so in the last couple of months, is I ended up with gingivitis and, according to my dentist, the main reason for that was because I was snacking in between meals. I'm on top of of the gingivitis now but only because I have pretty much stopped "inter meal snacking."

apologies if that is considered TMI...

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Yeah Mike, the apps ain't gonna do it for you. I am larger now than I have ever been in my life. At my age, that ain't good. And it was all the stuff at night (well, some of the stuff during the day too!!). I find eating healthy stuff, like fruit and nuts (in moderation) helps curb the munchies. And I haven't smoked in many many years. So my weight gain was not drug induced either!! LOL : )


Also eating smaller portions meals five and six times a day helps also. Look at your palm. That's a portion for you. Green leafy veggies are also good to eat almost as much as you want. Eating that often helps keep the munchies away. When you start feeling hungry, it's almost time to eat! It also helps keep your metabolism fired up.

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I just read your OP again ( to let it sink in ) Wow you are indeed fortunate to still be here with us .

I recently went through some heart stuff , it was nipped in the bud a little earlier  in my case  so I feel  lucky to  not  have gone through  all  the extra  challenges you went through  ..

The thing is "it's all mercurial "  or as they say  Y.E.T.   , your eligible  too . 

I think poor snack and munchie  choices  helped get me in this mess  ;)

All the stuff I like is no good for me anymore and every time I eat stuff high in sodium that I enjoy the flavor of ...I end up paying a price ...

I'm still working on it but it has taken me almost a year to have switched to a healthy sustainable heart healthy adjusted life style ...

I will say in all honesty having to readjust  my diet and  activity level s are not with out it's temptations .

To be human ....2 , 3 or 4 steps forward ...1,  2 or 3  steps backwards  AYE AYE like it or not this metaphor has me feeling like I may be doing The Cha Cha

Good luck man , if you can get a little time away from all the stuff that is no good for you and your health , when and if you revisit those foods you may find they don't have the payoff and appeal they used to have  . 

As far as the exercise thing goes  Rome wasn't built in a day  ...I'm just getting back into hitting the gym  and long walks  after letting it slide for a bout a year .

Whew it sure is humbling , ...I will settle for a little  progress ...

When I ask the Mirror Mirror on the wall to tell me how I'm doing , The Mirror on the wall  reminds me I'm no spring chicken any more :P






Edited by Kenny Wilson
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Great bunch of suggestions guys. But above all I really appreciate how serious you’re all being in trying to help. You have no idea the morale booster you’ve given me. 

I’m  trying most of the suggestions but I’m quick to come down on myself if I slip a bit. 

Just so much has happened in such a short time. It wasn’t until March 5th, my 65th birthday, that I had my first recognisable cardiac chest pain. Quad bypass on 13th and now I’m just 18 days post op. 

Went to pick up my acoustic guitar yesterday, but in taking a vein graft from my left hand they’ve damaged the radial nerve. At this stage I can’t even close my hand around the guitars neck without some serious pain. Bit of a bummer as I wouldn’t mind getting some of that raw emotion out of my system. 

Still, as long as the forward steps are more numerous than the backward ones I’m doing OK I guess. 

Thanks for listening guys. 

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Mudgel, not the same, but i suffered a bad skateboard accident - oops - and i wasn't sure if i'd be able to turn my left hand palm up after they screwed my elbow back together.

It came around in time with physical therapy.

Be peaceful. Keep musicin your life while you are inhibited. There's more than one way to rock.

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At this stage, inverting my left wrist and hand is nigh impossible. 

The surgeon told me that the damage was done  when harvesting the graft. Normally there can be some changes in sensation in the radial nerve which can cause temporary numbness or pain but in my case they actually were aware they damaged the nerve. They were honest enough to tell me before I had even become aware of it. Nothing I can do about it. It may improve in time. To the touch the skin is numb but internally  it’s like pulling on a series of barbs embedded in the back of the big muscle of my thumb the more I invert the wrist. 

As with everything else I’ll have to persevere and meet the challenges ahead of me. 

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I had a nasty arm break in 1984 only a week after playing in my best gig to that date (opening for Blue Oyster Cult).  It took months just to get my arm to straighten out and even more for the nerve to grow from the upper arm all the way down to my fingers.  But, they DO grow back!  Just slowly.  Fortunately for you, it doesn't have to go too far so, with some physical therapy, you'll be moving your hand and fingers normally in the not-so-distant future. ?

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On 4/9/2019 at 3:48 AM, InstrEd said:

 Mike how are you progressing in your recovery?

Thanks for asking. To be honest I’ve had a few setbacks and been back in hospital twice since the op (4 weeks ago today). 

I’ve had a loop recorder inserted in my chest which will provide an ongoing ECG to hopefully pickup the problem which didn’t raise its ugly head while I was just in hospital for 5 days. A bit like the faulty washing machine that works fine when the repair man arrives. I’ve done the full gamut of tests and I’m currently waiting on a referral for a tilt table test which will be the last but hopefully definitive test I’ll be having.

I’ve deliberately not gone into details as I don’t want to trigger a bunch of well intentioned medical advice. 

At the moment life sucks as I can’t drive or operate machinery or tools of any sort not can I be left alone. My poor wife has to follow me everywhere I go. So I’ve lost my independence and I’m wrapped in cotton wool.

After 4 weeks I’ve gotta say that I felt less sick before the surgery and frequently wish I’d been in that small percentage that don’t make it off the operating table alive. 

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