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Problem With Nektar Controller or CbB?


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What can I do if I'm the only one having these issues?

I have a Nektar LX88+ that behaves sporadically in Sonar X2, X3, Plat, & CbB.

It behaves normally with X1 & all other DAWs on my system.

Nektar says it behaves normally with their copy of CbB.

What could be causing this?:

1. "Patch' buttons don't cycle thru the Synth Rack as they should.

2. 'Patch' buttons act like Play/Stop buttons.

3. "Inst' button only brings up one instrument even when a different one is selected.

4. Control Bar displays computer code characters in the middle screen instead of instrument name.


Edited by sjoens
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Reading about your problems has made me take a closer look at my Impact 61LX+. On mine...

  1. Patch buttons turn the Synth Rack on and off.
  2. Patch buttons do not stop and start the transport. The "Stop" and "Start" buttons do that.
  3. My "Inst" button brings up the same soft synth every time.
  4. So far no weird code in the Control Bar.
  5. Holding down the button under fader #9 does NOT change the Mute buttons to Solo button. It causes them to do nothing.

This is about half the stuff the manual says this controller can do with SONAR. I'm too tired to go through the rest of it right now, and I haven't noticed these issues before because I don't use the LX as a control surface. Now, of course, I want to. ? But I just wanted you to know you're not alone in this.

I wonder if there is a new version of the control surface software?

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So some the same and some different.The only way to be sure what's to blame may be  having a computer with ONLY Cakewalk on it so there's no interference from anything else to eliminate.

4 hours ago, Larry Jones said:

I wonder if there is a new version of the control surface software?

I've requested that but we'll see. If they can't replicate any of the issues then they wouldn't know what to fix or update.

4 hours ago, Larry Jones said:

 I just wanted you to know you're not alone in this.

I'll mention your findings to them. I suspect more people don't have issues because they haven't explored all the features or they simply don't report them.

Even though these are minor they should still work as advertised.

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Good luck with this.

I gave up on using my Panorama P6 as anything other than a keyboard and drum pad. I had SO many issues trying to get it to work well as a control surface, that I gave up and bought an old FaderPort.

For example, I found a serious bug in the .sysex file and identified it to Nektar tech support, but they said it worked for them. Which meant, by extension, that I was SOL.

Nektar seems to get their interface software working just well-enough to make the YT video, and then they mostly wash their hands of it.

Terrific hardware. Poor software.

I'll NEVER buy another Nektar product.

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The Panorama is a lot more complex than the impact, they are noted for being difficult to set up on all DAW's according to the forums.  I didn't have any problems with my older LX impact and I don't have any problems with my current GX Impact, they worked fine with all the DAW's I tried them on.

You are handcuffed a bit if you use the setup files, alternatively, you have to use the midi control setup features of the DAW. There are limits what the setup files will do and there are also limits to what you can successfully map midi wise.

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  • 1 year later...

Having the same problem with my LX88+.  Initially the transport buttons worked fine.   I'm not sure if it was a Cbb update or some other cause.  But the transport buttons no longer work.     Interestingly...  If I record enable a midi track, and start recording.  I can see events recorded to the track.

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I own the Nektar LX61+, but I only use it for triggering sounds from soft synths, and never to control parameters in CbB.  In my live keyboard rig, which is where I use this controller, I use 2 other midi controllers to change patches and such, because those 2 controllers have numeric keypads, so I can punch in preset numbers that way, and those both work perfectly.  For recording, I usually use my Roland A800-Pro, but even with that, I never do anything but trigger notes in soft synths, with the exception of pitch bend and/or mod data.

Next time I get everything set up, I will see if I have any of the issues you folks reported above.

Bob Bone


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