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Hearing my VST and drum console at same time

Dylan Smith

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Hello all, I'm new to recording and just want to talk to a human person about it.  I'm connecting electronic drums to computer via USB and using addictive drums as VST.  The issue is to use my ASIO driver my headphones need to be plugged in to my console as well, so I'm hearing both my virtual instrument and my drum console playing at the same time.  I've tried messing around the other drivers so that I could plug my headphones into the computer because I only want to hear my VST.  But there's always quality issues with the latency and sound.  Is there some kind of external output I can use that will be recognized by an ASIO driver?  Or can I magically change my computer headphone jack to recoqnize ASIO? 

Any help is appreciated, thanks

~ Dylan


Edited by Dylan Smith
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You'll need to provide more information like the make and model of the drum module. If your drum module is the interface to the computer you should have some way to change the balance in the console between the console and the return from the computer or to turn off the monitor function. ASIO only supports one device. If your drum module doesn't have a way to turn off monitoring the module you can try WASAPI mode and use another device for output.   

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