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"Welcome Out"

Lee Shapiro

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  On 11/28/2020 at 6:06 PM, Lynn Wilson said:

Well done, Lee!  I share your hope and optimism.  This is a really enjoyable song to listen to, and the mix is very nice.  Your vocals, lyrics, and performance are top notch.  Keep up the good work.



  On 11/28/2020 at 7:42 PM, DeeringAmps said:

We can only hope!

Nice use of the B3 on this one; I'm liking that for sure.



kinda makes me think you are changeling your inner Springsteen...


Thanks, I appreciate the feedback and compliments.   I figured I wrote so many sad, angry songs about you-know-who, it was time for an uplifting, faster tempo song.
And as for channeling my inner Springsteen, that's possible.  When I sing, I never know what style is going to come out of my mouth.   Many times I get a country sounding vocal, but this time (during parts of the song) it was definitely a punk/new wave style of singing.   Kind of strange but I just go with the flow.  ;)

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  On 11/29/2020 at 7:04 PM, bjornpdx said:

Lee, I like the optimistic tone in your singing and I'm hoping the lyrics prove true real soon. Very good overall performance. The organ in there sounds really good. I don't trust my aging ears but is that a little glitch at 3:30 and maybe at 4:03?
Great job.


Thanks Bjorn.  
If it's a vocal glitch, there was a couple of those that I need to fix.  But if it's just a general audio glitch, I believe that might be due to an ongoing unsolvable problem I've been having between Cakewalk and my computer.  You can see my specs below, and I've spent a couple of years trying to track down the problem, especially when I add in Ozone to master the final version.  I get a lot of clicks and pops.  And believe me, I've read almost everything about this issue and have tried almost every option and tweak.  I think maybe I just need a beefier computer and/or faster hard drives.

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Nice one, I immediately felt a Springsteen vibe, might have just been the instrumentation and the chords. He wouldn't really sustain in the chorus vocals that much. But your tune is certainly catchy and memorable. The mix could I think use just a bit of brightening and if you were to look for a culprit to cut the mud, the minimal mud, it might be the bass guitar. If you listen to the "breakdown bridge" when the bass is not playing, the mix opens up and breathes in that section. Maybe try dipping out some 300ish hz outta the bass? Just a little might help it fill less. I listened on headphones FWIW.

Writing a pointedly political anthem is a great way to cope but I wouldn't hold my breath on converting anyone. Also, FWIW!




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  On 11/29/2020 at 10:44 PM, emeraldsoul said:

Nice one, I immediately felt a Springsteen vibe, might have just been the instrumentation and the chords. He wouldn't really sustain in the chorus vocals that much. But your tune is certainly catchy and memorable. The mix could I think use just a bit of brightening and if you were to look for a culprit to cut the mud, the minimal mud, it might be the bass guitar. If you listen to the "breakdown bridge" when the bass is not playing, the mix opens up and breathes in that section. Maybe try dipping out some 300ish hz outta the bass? Just a little might help it fill less. I listened on headphones FWIW.

Writing a pointedly political anthem is a great way to cope but I wouldn't hold my breath on converting anyone. Also, FWIW!





Thanks for your feedback Tom, I appreciate it. 
I like my mixes with a strong bottom end but as you know, that could be one step away from being too muddy.
I mixed it with headphones, I mastered with my studio monitors, and played it back in my car and on my laptop.
But I'll try your suggestion of adjusting the EQ.
I've been trying to make my investment of EZBass worthwhile, although I still haven't found a decent bass sound that I like (one that mixes well with the kick drum)
I like the EZBass patterns and other features, but after 3 sound packs, I still haven't found one that sounds as good as my Go-To bass:  Scarbee's Rickenbacker Bass.

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  On 11/29/2020 at 10:44 PM, emeraldsoul said:

The mix could I think use just a bit of brightening


Tom, I just posted a revised version taking some of your suggestions into account.   Let me know if you think it sounds less muddy.
For me, there's a sweet spot where the kick drum and bass guitar sound perfect together, sonically  locked together like one instrument.  
So I think I got a little closer on this pass.  (Revision is on the same link from above)

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  On 11/30/2020 at 9:46 AM, SupaReels said:

Great song ! for me I didn't think of Springsteen a got sort of Dylan vibe .. in any event great mix and very up ...which we all need ?



Thanks S, I usually get quite a few Dylan comparisons for my songs (or for my vocals)  I got that east coast nasally accent thing going for me.
I've gotten a few Tom Petty comparisons on some songs as well.
It's all good, I guess it's better than being compared to Yoko. (A nice woman, but her singing.....not so much) :)


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  On 12/1/2020 at 1:03 AM, Fred's Gratis Scores said:

Love the beat and the harmony vocals (especially the offset harmonies at the start of the chorus)!


Thanks Fred.  I also think the harmonies at the beginning of the chorus turned out well.   I actually was surprised at the unintended complexity  of the harmonies (in the transition between the pre-chorus and chorus)
It's usually a hit or miss endeavor, using both Melodyne and actual backing tracks.  But I'm slowly learning what works and what doesn't, along with the mixing levels of the lead and backing vocals.
Thanks again, for listening and commenting.  I greatly appreciate it.

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