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Vsti Patches not saving in projects

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2 hours ago, Max Arwood said:

I don’t think is has to be VST2/VST3 of the same plugin. I think a couple of really old plugins caused it  - ruby tube and possible silverspikes reverbit. And a few others. I Wish I had more time to test stuff. 

Max Arwood

It could also be that a problem restoring one plugin has a knock on effect (no pun intended!), meaning other plugins lose their settings.

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I have mentioned this a few times and not seen it refuted yet, but some issues that seem to be off by 1 come across as indexing errors to me. Depending how encountered errors are resolved, and indexing error could default itself to reset whatever it is trying to instantiate.

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19 minutes ago, mettelus said:

I have mentioned this a few times and not seen it refuted yet, but some issues that seem to be off by 1 come across as indexing errors to me. Depending how encountered errors are resolved, and indexing error could default itself to reset whatever it is trying to instantiate.

This further supports the VST2/VST3 theory... here's SoundSpot KickBox.

Notice the extra bypass parameter between "ratio" and "bypass warmth" (parameter 1):


This is not the only example - loads of the Waves plugins have this difference between VST2/VST3, except in the Waves case it's usually the first parameter that is the extra "bypass" for VST3.


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I opened the projects again this morning. The M1 project worked fine, The older project that has the Roland Cloud patch still is wrong.  Oddly, the new M1 project has both itself and the Roland Cloud and everything played exactly as I programmed in last night. Korg is VST2 and Roland is VST3. So, this project is mixed but playing fine. I am trying my best to break it. I am disappointed and thrilled at the same time that it works.  I will try those settings that msmcleod gave also and get back to everyone.

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Yes I know it took me a while to even know what was happening. I first thought I just had the bass too loud - found out  ( RenBass) was resetting to defaults for intensity which is 0. I always use it close to -12 weeks of up and down with the bass etc.   as I resaved the songs.  Controllers can reset stuff if check to zero on stop.   Good luck with this.   Let us know if you find any exact receipts for any of this. 

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I have "Hide related vst2 plugins." checked in preferences. It has never hide them. Something is wrong with vst2 and vst3 handling when there is the two of them installed with the same plugin.

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Following on from my previous post, it's worth mentioning that I tried various combinations of using VST2 & VST3 versions of SoundSpot Kickbox (both with "Replace if Possible on Project Load" on and off) to try to reproduce this issue.

I figured if anything would do it, something with a different list of parameters would.

All the tests were done in their own projects, and I restarted Cakewalk before each save / load.

However, all the VST settings were restored properly.

Also, with the VST3 "Replace if Possible on Project Load" setting checked, the VST2 version is still present - presumably because Cakewalk knows that it can't apply the VST2 settings to a VST3 plugin due to the parameter differences.

So at least for me, everything is working and no matter what I do I can't reproduce this issue.

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Maybe it only appears when you are using several instances of a plugin? Like 30-40.

PS. I don't have this patches problem.

But i randomly experience midi ghost note.

Edited by Kurre
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I believe it is also up to the plug-in developer to set a flag in the plugin so that the host knows it is supposed to hide the VST2 when a VST3 version is also present.

I have some newer plugins that work correctly like this, but some older ones that do not, even from the same vendor.

I have witnessed this behavior across two different DAWs with the same plugins.

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