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Exported video has no audio

Frank Thomas


totally stumped.  I imported a long video into Cakewalk so I could add some effects to one short segment (about 2 min) of audio.  plays perfectly within Cakewalk with effect automation, etc.  here is the stumper:

no mater what options or formats I try, when I export the video with the new edited audio - the resulting video file is totally silent - no audio at all!  I managed at one point to export a version with 10:10 min of audio but the rest of it is totally silent.  have not been able to repeat it.  

I have tried  "edit / select all / export / video"

I tried not having anything selected.

net result is a silent movie.  in every case. you see it mixing down audio followed by encoding video....ideas? gotta be something simple! 

(FYI: i did notice Cakewalk had created a "MX1mtbyi4.WAV" file in the project audio folder.  i checked the properties and it has size of zero bits.)


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38 minutes ago, Promidi said:

Just to make sure, have you opened the resultant video in a video editor to confirm that the video file indeed contains a silent audio track?

Hi Promidi - the closest thing I have to an editor is the Windows photo editor - of course it does not give you that detail.  Any recommendation for a freeware or low cost editor? I don't have a sophisticated need.  Thx

I just managed to open one of the exports in a converter tool.  it shows no audio.  somehow either the audio mixdown is "blank" or it's just not being included in the export.  hm... I could manually mixdown the audio and then try..

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4 minutes ago, Frank Thomas said:

Hi Promidi - the closest thing I have to an editor is the Windows photo editor - of course it does not give you that detail.  Any recommendation for a freeware or low cost editor? I don't have a sophisticated need.  Thx


There are other options. 

Do you have a third party audio editor (like Goldwave or something like that)?  Depending on the third party audio editor you have, it might open the audio track component of the video file.

Another option is to reimport the resultant video back into an empty project in Cakewalk to see if there is an audio track in the resultant video.

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checked out ffmpeg.  seems a bit cryptic.  It looks like a real bear bones opensource utility.  I actually need to edit 2 min of audio in a 6 hour file.  I just tested a 10 min sample in CW and it worked.  then a full length - zero audio.  am I maxing it's capabilities?


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got tired of it and just got movavi - simple, fairly cheap, and has simple enough audio edit options.  was able to import the clip I edited in CW and beat matched it.  render time seems longer but long is long so no big deal.  i think CW just was crapping on the 6 hour length


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