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Loop Recording Problems


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I had reported dropout problems with loop recording in the old forum. But that time I was only using my weak laptop (i5-5200U, 8GB) and I just complained about the comparison to Samplitude that had no difficulties with such tiny projects even with a smaller buffer size.

But now I have a project on my DAW (i5-8600K/6-cores, 16GB, 512 SSD, W10) with only 9 audio and 1 synth track(muted) that reveals the same problems. 5 of the audio tracks contain only one clip and on the other 4 tracks I intended to do loop recording at different positions. When I reached the 4th loop recording it began with dropouts. So I had removed the only 2 FX plugins used for tracking, but it did not help. As workaround I saved the project under another name, removed the tracks with the previous loop recordings in there and then I could finish my last recording. Afterwards I copied the takes back to the original project. All so fine!

Now trying to comp the takes with a play loop I run into dropout problems again (trying to increase the ASIO buffer size did not help)! And if I do comping without loop playing, then there is always an obvious play retardation. Okay, one thing I have not yet disclosed: I have surely overdone the loop recordings with about 30-40 takes! ?

Thus, to me it seems that Cakewalk/Sonar has a performance issue with increasing number of take lanes (no issues with other Daws on the same PC).
What did I do wrong? Did someone have similar problems? Are there settings that can fix the issues?

Edited by marled
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I have a i7 2600K and I may not get to 30 takes per trk, but I have gone to 20 on a trk. And also had at least 10-15 more on several other trks. So in total I have had at times 50-60+ takes on a project. And I can comp like this with no problem. (Well other than Jamstix getting out of sync occasionally. EZD, EZKeys, Session Drummer do not exhibit this out of sync issue)


So not sure it's a CbB issue. 

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