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Tiger the Frog's Alphabetical and Categorized List of Black Friday Sales on VI:Control

Reid Rosefelt

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As some of you may know, for the last three years I've done Black Friday sales posts on VI: Control.   These posts organize all the sales alphabetically  in categories like Virtual Instruments, Synths, Effects, and so on.

The 2020 version is here:


This is not in competition with King Larry at all. If you want to find out about the latest thing, you must come here.  I don't list everything you can find here and I sure as hell don't do it as lightning fast as King Larry does.  I have no idea how that man does it.

It's just that when this BF thing took off in year's past I found it very  hard to keep everything straight.  So I created a spreadsheet and categorized the deals of the stuff I was interested in and put it them alphabetical order.  Eventually I decided in 2018 that if I was doing it anyway I might as well share it and include the stuff I wasn't interested in.   I included much more in 2019 and I hope to include even more this year.

I collect info from this forum, but also from places like Rekkerd,  KVR, on stores, and many other places.  I constantly get messages from the VI:Control members. As I'm sure Larry can tell you,  it's insane during that last week in November.

Another thing about these posts is that they are still up all year round.  So if you want to know what the BF deal was for a particular company was last year, you can always check it.



For the first time, this year there are some affiliate links in my Tiger the Frog post. I make that clear at the beginning.  FYI, 90% of the music companies and stores do not offer affiliate programs.  Some store like PluginFox do, but I never send anybody there because I don't shop there myself. 

Just to give you an idea of how the affiliate marketing biz works, I have had the Tiger the Frog post up for about a week now and so far have earned less than $10.  But I am hopeful....  I earned about $40 from the links I put up here. 

If I am lucky I will pay for that impulse buy of those three Virharmonic vocal libraries... ?

Edited by Reid Rosefelt
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