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Cats Don't Care


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Hey everybody, a new original dedicated to Bonzai the cat . . . my amazing feline companion for 11 years. He was a rescue project, but quickly took over the household. In fact there became a debate about who was the master and who was the pet ? 

I mixed this a few different ways, but this was the version I went with . . . as always, if you hear anything amiss, let me know . . .


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7 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

You have a broadway voice, so good.   Lyrics are great.  Enjoyed this beginning to end.

David, the "broadway voice" compliment . . . so good, thank you, I do love musical theatre, but I always ended up in the orchestra pit, instead of in the spotlight:)

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3 hours ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Terrific!  I love unpredictability, and this has it.  I have to listen some more.

Thank you very much Lynn . . . "unpredictability" is always hard to predict when you're the writer of a song, so that's great to hear !

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6 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

I'm coming back as a house cat in my next lifetime for all those reasons in the song.
Love the song and production of it. My only suggestion is the voc could use some thickening perhaps.
Two thumbs up.

bjorn . . . thanks for listening, and your input ! . . . ha!, and best of luck in your next relaxing cat life . . . wouldn't it be appropriate for cats to come back as people ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/23/2020 at 1:49 PM, DeeringAmps said:

A little late to the party here, but glad I found it!

? from me


im still waiting for the downbeat after that last snare hit. Always leave wanting more!


Thanks for the listen Tom ! (and the basement rescue) . . . glad you liked it.

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