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Today is International Women's Day......


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20 hours ago, James G said:

Can we have a 'Men's Day' then?

Oh HELL NO!  They  took away the Boy Scouts and they're working to screw us out of Father's Day too!  They simply cannot have any more toxic masculinity.

Men are an endangered species.

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6 hours ago, TheSteven said:

I never ride my horse when he's high, that's just asking for trouble.
We both walk if either one of us are buzzed.


Thank you for your sharing life experience.

I´m also thinking about to change my wife for a horse.

Hopefully there is no International Horse's Day .

Edited by Pragi
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Father's Day, Pedant's Day, Horse's Day.

All incorrect I'm afraid.

We're talking about fathers, pedants and horses in the plural so ...

Fathers' Day, Pedants' Day and Horses' Day.

That is Fathers (plural) apostrophised and Pedants (plural) apostrophised.  (Or apostrophized in American English.)

Please, if you're going to be a pedant, do it correctly!


A pedant's pedant.

Edited by JohnG
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Look out, guys!  We're all about to become Bill Cosby! Get's especially troubling @14:51.


Who's Bill Cosby?

Oh, yea! Some ex Merican footballer or summat, in'e?

You'll have to get up early, Grem, to get one up.

I'm an insomniac, 3:00 to 3:30 a.m. is my first cuppa T (plus a becan sarnie)!

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1 hour ago, JohnG said:




Who's Bill Cosby?

Oh, yea! Some ex Merican footballer or summat, in'e?

You'll have to get up early, Grem, to get one up.

I'm an insomniac, 3:00 to 3:30 a.m. is my first cuppa T (plus a becan sarnie)!

You're serious?  You don't know who Bill Cosby is?  Maybe you're not American but he's a very popular TV personality and comedian who was busted in recent years by the so called #Metoo movement (man hating feminists, for the most part).  A bunch of women came out after some 30+ years to claim he sexually assaulted them.  Why they waited that long to report a rape is the question of the century.  But they all ganged up on him and as the result of one, he is currently in a PA  (USA) prison for drugging a women in the 1980 to seduce her.  He's 81 years old and legally blind.  It's a controversy whether or not he was fairly tried.  More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Cosby

?John B

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