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don't laugh at me


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Well who doesn't like delay - the Galtieri Brothers certainly do + our latest track don't laugh at me plays around with it to create a rebound effect.

Please have listen and we welcome any critiques you may be inclined to share in this busy home-restricted world of ours.

Keep on truckin' guys you never know who's listening ? 

best wishes


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Hi Nigel,

Glad you liked the delay effect.

Hi Mark,

Thank you for the comments on the vocals.

Hi Hidden Symmetry,

Thank you for listening and your comments on the production.

Hi Lynn,

Thank you for the comments on the production +  my songwriting.

Hi David,

Thanks for listening and your kind words.

Thank you all for listening and commenting it really is appreciated.

best wishes


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Really dug the driving beat on this one and the arrangement, instantly memorable. The monotonic delivery is exactly right, along with the ominous "don't laugh at me." I love this one, it's going on the play list.

The mix is great but my none-too sensitive ears are hearing a build up in the mids that kind of clouds up the lower frequencies of the vocals. Maybe it's all those delays piling up? Anyway, it's a very cool song and I really liked it.

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Cool vox on this Paul -- perhaps a bit busy arrangement wise and there seems to be a lot of noise like Kevin said -- it also sounds brickwalled.  But, given that, it has the sound of much of what you can hear today in indie music (actually going forward from the 80s) so there's that~~wishing you good traction with it~~Allan.

Edited by ABull
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Definitely the best song of yours I've heard so far. Man, I really like the driving beat underneath everything. Sort of gives me that passing of time kind of feeling. The lyrics are yours but they also nudge me into making my own associations with them.
Very well done!

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Hi daryl1968,

Thank you for the 'wall of sound' comment.

Hi Kevin,

Glad you liked the driving beat and arrangement.

Hi Allan,

Thank you for your comments and good wishes.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the listen and your kind comments.

Hi Douglas,

Glad you liked the lyrics and the mix.

Hi Bjorn,

Thanks for the 'passing of time kind of feeling' comment it was what I was aiming for.

Hi DeeringAmps,

Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment.

Thank you all for listening and commenting it is really appreciated.

best wishes


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