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Amplitube 5 is here - Release Date 15/12/20 or 16/12/20

Fret Flintstone

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The problem is they don't do upgrades.  They do have a discount for IK customers that have bought something worth $99 or more but that's it.  They haven't done upgrades for a long time.  Despite the fact my order for AT5 said "upgrade" the price was the same as a $99 level IK customer with no AT products at all.  Becuase of this I don't think "MAX" has any meaning,  So I keep re-buying the same products over and over I guess.

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I am still too stupid to understand I guess. (maybe its just the spreadsheet and I am reading into it too much).

for example, the amp "Red Pig" is part of AT 4. On the spread sheet it's listed under AT 5 and AT 5 Max and is not listed under AT 5 SE or AT 5 CS.

If you already own AT 4 and you obviously own the "Red Pig" amp and you chose to upgrade to AT 5 SE, you "unlock" the ability to use "Red Pig" in AT 5. But are you getting a new revamped "Red Pig" amp or are you just getting the ability to use the old "unrevamped" "Red Pig" amp in AT 5?

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3 minutes ago, telecode 101 said:

I am still too stupid to understand I guess. (maybe its just the spreadsheet and I am reading into it too much).

for example, the amp "Red Pig" is part of AT 4. On the spread sheet it's listed under AT 5 and AT 5 Max and is not listed under AT 5 SE or AT 5 CS.

If you already own AT 4 and you obviously own the "Red Pig" amp and you chose to upgrade to AT 5 SE, you "unlock" the ability to use "Red Pig" in AT 5. But are you getting a new revamped "Red Pig" amp or are you just getting the ability to use the old "unrevamped" "Red Pig" amp in AT 5?

I think based on the "universal upgrade" statement you would be getting the new one, but I have no idea.
This is as clear as a 4 x 4's windshield, with no windshield wipers, after mudding for week!

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7 hours ago, Peter - IK Multimedia said:
On 10/30/2020 at 9:39 AM, Fret Flintstone said:

@Peter - IK Multimedia Peter Peter, where art thou Peter?

I'm not at all keen on Pre-Ordering now taking in to account how long the JS Pre-Order dragged on for. I would have purchased A5 on the spot had it been released.

Will we get notification before the Pre-Order period expires?

The introductory pricing runs through December 31st but the release date will be during Q4.  More information on the status there below for those who think this will be any issue to meet (we learned from AT JS).

Thank you Peter, I'll be doing the upgrade to AT5, AT5 MAX doesn't get me anything extra as I own everything released for Amplitube prior to today, which will work out to be $105 give or take with Jam Points, that's fairly reasonable to me, probably more than fairly reasonable considering what I spend on single Amp Amp Sims that I never use, and here I'm getting 5 new Amps not to mention the rest of the stuff, and in a package I get a lot of use out of.


(we learned from AT JS)

lol, well I hope so, that wait nearly drove me crazy, and although I promised myself I wouldn't, I just Pre-Ordered AT5?, now I just got to try and put it out of my mind until release day.

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This is another rip off...

In addition, any customer who purchases AmpliTube 4, or any IK hardware package that includes AmpliTube 4,
after October 15, 2020, will automatically receive an upgrade to AmpliTube 5 SE.

So, if you purchase AT4 at $149.99 RIGHT NOW, we'll give you our $99 product as a free upgrade?
And, if you buy hardware that includes our $149.99 product, we'll give you the $99 product as a free upgrade?

No offense but, if the Hardware you are NOW selling comes with AT5, or you purchase AT4 within the grace

I don't know...but to me, this is just another way of screwing the customer...a rip off....YMMV

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And YES I KNOW that SE's retail IS $149.99 but they should be dealing
with the INTRO prices, since that's what they're offering them for...and
since NOW the hardware COMES with the FULL Amplitube 5 or MAX...

And, if it comes with HARDWARE, it's not a "Paid Version", and is exempt from
upgrades/crossgrades offers ala the "SCREW YOU from IK" Business Model (repeatedly)>>>

It's really getting pathetic honestly the way they continue to find "New Creative Ways To Screw Existing Customers!"

Thanks IK!

Edited by cclarry
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I concur that this just continues the trend of many in the industry  in giving their best customers the worst deals. I’m sure they do it because they cynically believe those who are in the habit of spending, will probably continue to do so. And it will continue until we realize that a lot of these updates are not as earthshaking as these companies would have us believe.....and we can actually continue to make good music without updating at all.

Edited by LAGinz
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13 hours ago, RSMcGuitar said:

That said, I think the regular AT4 to AT5 for like $140 is a pretty nice price.

ETA: Also, I have like $100 in jam points making it basically a no brainier!

 There seems to be a limit on Jam Points of up to 30% of the purchase price. Have you factored that in?

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2 hours ago, Sander Verstraten said:

Or in the EU: 105 Euro + 17% VAT, which so expensive, there is zero reason to buy from the IK store.

the value of software is all in your mind. it can go from $100  to $20 to $0 freebie really fast. From my experience, get the stuff you think you will get use and mileage out of. I just have a feeling this will be in the "Wow! $299 regular price and we give you 80% off!""  before end of next summer.

Edited by telecode 101
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Oh man,  I feel so silly, because I read all the thread and STILL can't understand a simple think:

I own AT4 MAX, so if I buy AT5 SE I would be able to use all that suff inside AT5, am I right? 

What would be nice is to see what NEW things I would be missing. That PDF comparison would benefit by adding some colors on what is new

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3 minutes ago, arnoldoo said:

Oh man,  I feel so silly, because I read all the thread and STILL can't understand a simple think:

I own AT4 MAX, so if I buy AT5 SE I would be able to use all that suff inside AT5, am I right? 

What would be nice is to see what NEW things I would be missing. That PDF comparison would benefit by adding some colors on what is new

there is a thread on GS where Peter supposedly answered. You will  be able to use everything and it  will take benefit of the new sound engine but it will not be updated.



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19 hours ago, Peter - IK Multimedia said:
On 10/29/2020 at 9:50 PM, Fleer said:

Same here. Just want to use my AT4 stuff in AT5. 

You can.  Your best bet for all features, less gear is AmpliTube 5 SE.  You can see what gear is included there on the AmpliTube 5 page.  You'd get all the features.  The "clarification" mentioned in another post about my Gearslutz posts is specifically about clarifying exactly what features are available using CS is all.  The other versions are full-featured.

Answered above also on Peter's initial post on Page 4.

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I just still feel like  I am not getting a straight clear answer. (Maybe I am reading into the spreadsheet too much and it's a badly worded spreadsheet!)

For example, I use the Mesa Boogie collection a lot. I use the Mark III and Dual Rectifier often. On that spread sheet it shows that its only available in Amplitube 5 Max.

So, does that mean, if you don't have that collection and you want to get it, you should buy AT 5 Max to get it. Or does it mean, if you do have that collection and you buy AT 5 SE to unlock it, it will "supposedly" take advantage of the new sound engine in AT 5 but if you want the revamped cabs, you need to buy AT 5 Max to be able to use those?



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26 minutes ago, telecode 101 said:

I just still feel like  I am not getting a straight clear answer. (Maybe I am reading into the spreadsheet too much and it's a badly worded spreadsheet!)

For example, I use the Mesa Boogie collection a lot. I use the Mark III and Dual Rectifier often. On that spread sheet it shows that its only available in Amplitube 5 Max.

So, does that mean, if you don't have that collection and you want to get it, you should buy AT 5 Max to get it. Or does it mean, if you do have that collection and you buy AT 5 SE to unlock it, it will "supposedly" take advantage of the new sound engine in AT 5 but if you want the revamped cabs, you need to buy AT 5 Max to be able to use those?



Option 2 is the correct one.  If you already own it, it will be available in AT5, but will STILL be version 4...

This entire thing is pretty ridiculous to me...but hey, what do I know?

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1 minute ago, cclarry said:

Option 2 is the correct one.  If you already own it, it will be available in AT5, but will STILL be version 4...

This entire thing is pretty ridiculous to me...but hey, what do I know?

Okay, so if that is the case,  then that pretty much defeats the purpose of upgrading to AT 5 SE for current owners of AT 4 and any associated collections because your collections don't become VIR collections until you move all the way to Max, right? Why can't IKM just come out and say that instead of ***** footing around? So you need to wait for a sale on AT 5 Max so you can get the new revamped versions of the collections you already use and own. I have no interest in getting Satriani or Brian May at this point as I don't use them and have more than enough guitar software in my system. I just want updated collections of what I own if I am spending $100 to $150 for an upgrade.

What the hell is going on here?

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