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Amplitube 5 is here - Release Date 15/12/20 or 16/12/20

Fret Flintstone

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55 minutes ago, telecode 101 said:

I think I am gonna have to track back and change my mind on AT 5.  It's actually really good. Its pretty good on clean tones. I managed to spend some time with the VIR this evening. That thing it really good.

 I have always found the way opinions form on equipment to be interesting. I think you’re correct that there is one type of original bias toward the old and what we are comfortable with. OTOH, there can also be a countervailing psychological bias in favor of that which we have just shelled out a bunch of bucks on. And sometimes things just sound different-not necessarily better or worse. As an example: I used Miroslav Philharmonic for a fair period of time, realizing that it was not state of the art, but sounded pretty good. When version  2 came out, it was clear (at least to me) that it offered wider frequency response and clearer sound.OTOH, it also, to my ears, had a very slight sense of scratchiness that I did not hear in the original. In comparing the 2, I first liked 1 better, then decided I liked 2 better,  but finally got to the point that I just didn’t use 2 anymore.  Still on the fence about AT5.

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Guyz i'm having this error when tryiong to install custom shop , i unsinstalled old one , still the same , now i have none !!


EDIT : ok i uninstallled and resintalled on default loaction and it worked , really like the new one 



Edited by Zo
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Well, I haven't had a chance to go though the comments yet.

I'm extremely happy! I feel this is a major step up. The VIR Tech is simply awesome.... micing feels much more natural. I used to find everything just got muddy in AT4 if you moved the mic very much off the speaker. I also think that a lot of the older amps sound much better now with the new cabs. They REALLY listened about hiding the stuff you don't own, both in the selection areas and in the presets. Very slick.

That's my immediate take anyway.
Nice job IK!

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44 minutes ago, Zo said:

Can anybody explain this ? i own all leslie but collection telling me to buy

The Leslie collection is both the T-Racks and Amplitube products together.  If you bought both parts but not the collection bundle it doesn't appear to give you credit for it (it doesn't for me either, but I have both halves)

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First contact , but workflow wise i have mixed feelings .... the fact that we cannot close the browser makes resizing not that better than old one ....also 

Didn't tried yet but can it plays stereo without having to create a routing insert another amp , look for the same amp , copy settings ect ... ?

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17 hours ago, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

Odd on the lag, not seeing such a lag but running with an overkill RTX2080 here, I should turn on the FPS monitor and see what I'm getting :) 

Also, I should remember to use that knob more often!  I tend to forget to reach for it as much as I should.

Glad people are enjoying AmpliTube 5, it really is a step up.

Loving it so far Peter! Gotta agree with all the positive comments about how great the new amp models sound and even the old ones through the new cabs. The UI is also a superb improvement along with the long awaited ability to only show presets that you own.

On reflection I don't actually think it's display lag that I'm seeing so the display card is irrelevant and it's a bit nit-picky so apologies in advance. I think it might just be the order that AT5 highlights and de-highlights previous/current presets, the latter being done after it has finished loading the new preset. If it de-highlighted the old preset as soon as you clicked a new one and then loaded the new one it would just seem to be a lot snappier.  For the record I'm pretty sure that my new PC is not an issue as it performs well in everything else and I'm loading the presets from one of the fastest consumer SSDs available (an NVMe M.2 ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro ).

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4 hours ago, Zo said:

First contact , but workflow wise i have mixed feelings .... the fact that we cannot close the browser makes resizing not that better than old one ....also 

Didn't tried yet but can it plays stereo without having to create a routing insert another amp , look for the same amp , copy settings ect ... ?

you mean the panel on the right? yeah, its weird you can't close it. I have gotten used to it when its in full screen mode, but when i reduce the window size (which I sometimes need to do) , its a total waste of space once you have the tone you need. i wonder by the IKM devs found it can't be collapsible.

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4 hours ago, Matthew Sorrels said:

The Leslie collection is both the T-Racks and Amplitube products together.  If you bought both parts but not the collection bundle it doesn't appear to give you credit for it (it doesn't for me either, but I have both halves)

yeah. this ! ^^


you probably just have AmpliTube Leslie like me. it's awesome.

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1 hour ago, simon said:

Anybody missing their 'Max' stuff in AT5 SE.

AT4 max had Fender Collection 2 and SVX 2 - but these are missing from my AT5 SE ? 


I checked mine and have both. What do you see when you are selecting collection view?


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6 minutes ago, simon said:

I'm looking in the Custom Shop 

It also look ok for me. Are you sure you logged in into CS? After reinstall it reset and not kept my creds so I needed to re-login to it again

Edited by Piotr
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Let's really consider the stupidity of this business model momentarily.
Prior to this announcement, I owned Amplitube Max AND 
Total Studio Max, so technically 2 copies of Amplitube Max.
Amplitube Max I received with the Axe I/O, and I've already explained
THAT stupidity in depth, so...and I own EVERY expansion except Satch!

On the pre-order offer, there was no "upgrade/crossgrade" offer to ANYONE,
at all.  You HAD to buy "one" of the offered packages at Intro/Pre-order price!
Now, HOW does that "reward" existing customers for their purchases?
It DOES NOT.  It ACTUALLY "flips them the middle finger" and penalizes them because
THEY have to pay the EXACT SAME AMOUNT that any person off the street, who owns

Now that it's released, if you got the SE version, there is NO UPGRADE/CROSSGRADE
to ANY other version!  And if  you bought the "Standard" version, there is no Upgrade/Crossgrade
to Amplitube Max!  No matter what direction you go, you STILL have to pay the FULL INTRO PRICE!!! 
Add to THAT stupidity the FACT that if you have purchased any of the add on Artist Packs 

IK Marketing Dept. must have obtained their Marketing Degrees from a box
of Cracker Jacks....IJS!  No SANE business person/group would develop such a business model,
and I, like the TOTAL AND COMPLETE IDIOT (and there are OBVIOUSLY A LOT OF US) 
that I am, keep buying in...despite the fact that I can't even afford it!  And I know the IK kiss
butts will disagree, and will make whatever excuses make themselves feel better...

I am most certainly INSANE!?

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Just installed AT5 CS to see how the new UI looks like and it's great as far as I am concerned. Really love it over AT4, great improvement. Super happy with this new little icon! image.png.1aee3d09b6d35c38fdd218a972f244cd.png I voiced my disappointment before and how I hated seeing gears I didn't own and getting the dreadful message box, etc. Thanks IK, this is nice!

All my collections are there, great! The only thing missing is the free Orange Tiny Terror that was given away a while back. I have grown very found of the little amp, especially since it reminds me of 1 1/2 year old grand daughter every time I read its name ?, and I am quite disappointed not to see it included.  ?

@Peter - IK Multimedia Any reason why this nice gift is taken away from us moving to AT5?

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Major problems.

I just sent IK Multimedia support the following email - says it all.

"I own Amplitube 4 Max & just purchased Amplitude 5 (not max). The instruments included in Amplitube 4 Max show up in Amplitube 5 but just about every amp module I launch says it is missing items not yet owned. All of these amp modules work correctly in Amplitube 4 Max. I own: Slash, Jimi Hendrix, Mesa Boogie, Orange, Fender Collections 1 & 2, Metal, Ampeg SVX, Amplitude SVX - and almost every preset in all of them is telling me I don't own the gear (stomp boxes, speakers, effects, ect). 

I have unauthorized & re-authorized Amplitube 5, plus ran Restore My Purchases in the Custom shop, several times and I still can't use my Amplitube 4 Max amps and presets in Amplitube 5.  

This is useless to me. How can we fix this?"

Should have saved my money.

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