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[NOT DEAL] Starting Waves wars


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On 10/26/2020 at 10:57 AM, Brian Walton said:

even people in this deals forum are clueless and buy WUP for basically no real world reason

More a bystander's perspective, but also to show appreciation for the folks who take the time to post in this forum (especially details with issues they are having). Years ago, the posts that stuck out the most for me regarding issues and complaints were Waves. This led me to steer clear of them and nothing since has changed that perspective. The disparity between good and bad posts has been significant from an outsider simply reading posts.

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8 hours ago, TheSteven said:

As others have said by switching to manual scan you avoid that.

2 of things I frequently use in MenuMagic* are
1) Scanning my VSTs on demand without having to run Cakewalk (using MenuMagic's icon tray app shown here)
I run the scanner this way everytime I add, remove or relocate a plugin.
I have Cakewalk set for manual VST scanning for a quick(er) load.

2) Using the Plugin Info Grid to check before downloading or paying for a plugin to verify that I don't already own it.

* Forgive the plug for my retail app but it seemed appropriate in the context of this discussion.



I really like the plugin organizer Steven!

I haven't been about organizing my  plugins. It's a goal I've had for awhile now. As a result I have a bunch of junk in my system. It's not just my music I'm referring to here. I've tried to justify it by telling myself the files are small. That much is true. A few extra AAX files probably don't amount to much more than 10 or 20 mb. In computer terms that's very small. It does all eventually add up though.  

A person "shouldn't" need to de clutter if the installer also uninstalls unused or obsolete plugins. I like the installers that let us choose which plugins we want to use. When companies came out with 64 over 32 bit I would have simply eliminated all 32 bit plugins. Had the installer do it by default by simply checking a box. AAX plugins the same. I could opt not to install. 

But this apparently isn't a reality for Waves and a few others. The only reason it hasn't bothered me a lot is the files are so very small.  

I noticed more of a problem in scan time in Studio One. This could be because I had it set to scan lots of folders due to missing some of my plugins. It now scans my grocery list and prom pics from years ago. It actually thinks one of my mug shots is a plugin.  It's called simple in pimples....OK I was kidding about that last comment. You get the idea though. It scan EVERYTHING. Cakewalk OTOH gets the job done more quickly. I had wondered if I should start writing that novel while waiting for Studio One to scan.


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6 hours ago, ZincT said:

The cynic in me can't help but think that it is some kind of ploy by Waves to get people to WUP their plugins so that they can extract as much money as possible from their customers.

I had this same thought myself.

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3 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

But while we gripe, it's fair to acknowledge Waves has given us a slew of decent-to-high quality plugins for $29. You would have killed for that 20 years ago.

Never questioned that :)

I could never understand people saying there are not good or too old.

What really matters is sound, not how they look or how old they are  :)

To be honest many times it is hard to categorically say the newer thing is objectively sounding better because it is often just sounding different what means in some cases could be more proper to be applied... After all the final result matters not anything between...

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6 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

WavesCentral, it looks like a lot of developers spent a lot of productive, valuable time creating utterly counterintuitive hoops that users must painfully navigate.

All to protect what amounts to a bunch of $29 plugins.


But while we gripe, it's fair to acknowledge Waves has given us a slew of decent-to-high quality plugins for $29. You would have killed for that 20 years ago.

Market changed dramatically in the last 20 years.  20 years ago the market was truly insane.  I'm thankful I never got trapped into a bunch of 3rd party purchases which would now be basically worthless.

There are plenty of other top notch plugin designers offering $29 price point (and better) deals on plugins that sound as good and do not have the authorization limitations OR the install woes that WAVES has.   Financially they are clearly a marketleader in the money they have made.  The sfotware deployment system is far from it.  

I jumped on to the WAVES train at the $25ish level and have quite a few....even so, I'm managed to find alternatives to distance myself from using them moving forward with a few expections.  Omni-Channel is a good value when on super sale and I honeslty haven't found anything with that functionality and sound quality at a similar price point.  Basically everything else has solid alternatives that I was personally using.  


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41 minutes ago, chris.r said:

And I hate WUP....  Anybody with me?  :D 

I would say in a source it doesn't differ much from approach where you need to pay for every update where number of version is changed. As in fact we have no reason to WUP if no changes in plugin just for a sake to be WUPed.   They do not stop working even after years.

Its form is just a little mess and more annoying than in other cases  :)

And probably abandoning WUP for a honest  subscription model with low prices for those who want to be sure everything have updated at any time would be better.

This is where we can appreciate companies like Melda, AA, Soundtoys and some others where one is paying once and has lifetime updates included.

And such approach is attracting more people. But to be honest you need to be sure you will have more and more new customers to be able to keep your business.

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19 hours ago, TheSteven said:

As others have said by switching to manual scan you avoid that.

2 of things I frequently use in MenuMagic* are
1) Scanning my VSTs on demand without having to run Cakewalk (using MenuMagic's icon tray app shown here)
I run the scanner this way everytime I add, remove or relocate a plugin.
I have Cakewalk set for manual VST scanning for a quick(er) load.

2) Using the Plugin Info Grid to check before downloading or paying for a plugin to verify that I don't already own it.

* Forgive the plug for my retail app but it seemed appropriate in the context of this discussion.



Does it work with Studio One Pro, Reaper, ProTools Pro, Digital Performer, LogicX, Samplitude, MIxcraft, Cubase and Mixbus 32C? 

Again, I'll get me coat.

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11 hours ago, Bapu said:

Does it work with Studio One Pro, Reaper, ProTools Pro, Digital Performer, LogicX, Samplitude, MIxcraft, Cubase and Mixbus 32C? 

In TheSteven's defense of his shameless plug, this IS the CakeWalk forum after all.  ?


PS. I'd likely be a customer if it DID work in Studio One.  Plugin organization is sorely lacking there!

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