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Changes are being made to my projects and I can't figure out what is making them

Mehrdad Shamsi


Okey, this is driving me absolutely nuts and I stil can't figure out what the absolute hell is going on !!!

Every thing I do seems to make changes to my project. I hit play and then pause and some changes are made to my project. I open up cakewalks settings and make changes to the setting and when I close the setting some changes are made to my project.

I absolutely cant figure out what the hell is going on. Can anyone help me out?

I just upgraded my pc a few days ago and I was hoping that this issue would go away but it got even crazier. It got to the point where I could hardly even open up a project, because something was just constantly making changes and cakewalk was continuously auto-saving. I had to fully disable auto-save to be able to even open up a project.

I though it was something with my vsts but it's happening even when I make a new project with just one audio track in it.

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6 answers to this question

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This is probably a VST that is sending "patch changed" information to Cakewalk. Cakewalk is doing what it is supposed to , and marking the state of the project as "edited".

BUT: Now that I've read your post fully, I see you've identified that you have this problem even with a single audio track. So if you don't have any VSTs loaded (FX or Instrument) then it can't be a rogue plugin marking the buffer dirty.

Are you able to try an alternative audio interface? Just for temporary testing?

Edited by Colin Nicholls
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  On 10/21/2020 at 6:28 PM, Colin Nicholls said:

This is probably a VST that is sending "patch changed" information to Cakewalk. Cakewalk is doing what it is supposed to , and marking the state of the project as "edited".

BUT: Now that I've read your post fully, I see you've identified that you have this problem even with a single audio track. So if you don't have any VSTs loaded (FX or Instrument) then it can't be a rogue plugin marking the buffer dirty.

Are you able to try an alternative audio interface? Just for temporary testing?



  On 10/21/2020 at 6:59 PM, reginaldStjohn said:

Might be helpful to tells us some specific changes you have/are seeing or capture a video of it happening. 

Do you have any midi controllers hooked up or are you running any kind of automation program like AutoHotKey?


Okey, so I attached two videos to this reply.

As you can see in the videos I have a Komplete Kontrol S61 hooked up to my system and my audio interface is a sinn7 Status 24l96 and I am also not using any automation programs as far as I know.

Unfortunately, I also don't have any other audio interfaces to test but here's a thing: So I started adding in my frequently used VSTs one by one into an empty track and it seems that my Komplete Kontrol VST is the one that makes changes to the project even when I just simply play and pause the project (as you can see in the second video I have attached). As you can see the track isn't even armed for recording nor is automation write turned on. In the video I also went through all the setting both in the VST in cakewalk and in the stand-alone version so you could check if I have set something wrong maybe. I also went through my all my cakewalk settings in the first video so let me know if you spot anything wrong there too.

Another thing that's on my nerves though is do you see how the project gets edited even when I make changes to cakewalks own setting (First video)? I'm starting to doubt my memory but should changes be made to a project when you change cakewalks own settings? or when you enable and disable input echo on a track?

I also noticed that turning the knobs on my s61 controller when the track isn't even playing makes changes to the project too ... :/



Edited by Mehrdad Shamsi
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Your videos are marked Private so I can't view them. However:

Any VST that changes its state will (or should) tell Cakewalk about it, and Cakewalk, which saves VST state with the project, will mark the project as "edited".

Toggling Input Echo will mark the project as edited, yes.

Some Preference settings are actually stored in the project (e.g. anything under the "Project" section in the Preference dialog).

I'm not saying that all your observations can be explained, but some of them can.


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  On 10/22/2020 at 9:41 AM, Mehrdad Shamsi said:


I also noticed that turning the knobs on my s61 controller when the track isn't even playing makes changes to the project too ... :/



If you turn a knob and it changes a parameter, pan, volume, frequency etc. then the project has changed and will show that you now need to save it.  This would be expected.

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  On 10/22/2020 at 3:17 PM, Colin Nicholls said:

Your videos are marked Private so I can't view them. However:

Any VST that changes its state will (or should) tell Cakewalk about it, and Cakewalk, which saves VST state with the project, will mark the project as "edited".

Toggling Input Echo will mark the project as edited, yes.

Some Preference settings are actually stored in the project (e.g. anything under the "Project" section in the Preference dialog).

I'm not saying that all your observations can be explained, but some of them can.


  On 10/22/2020 at 6:47 PM, reginaldStjohn said:

If you turn a knob and it changes a parameter, pan, volume, frequency etc. then the project has changed and will show that you now need to save it.  This would be expected.


Oh I see.

I just made the videos public sorry.

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