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It's Love-new song (remixed on St. Patrick's day)

Lynn Wilson

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Hello to all my CW friends.  I just wrote this song about 3 weeks ago, inspired by a new toy which is the upgrade from TH3 to THU amp sim.  It's a song about people who are in love but don't realize it.  My good friend, Roger Fife, helped me with this by playing the bass.   The rest was done by me in the latest version of CW.  It's still fresh from the oven, so I'm looking for any advice and hints.  Thanks in advance for taking the time to listen and respond.  

Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13846768


Edit: This is the remixed version that I did after receiving so much helpful advise.  I carefully edited the drums and tightened some of the panning after several suggestions to do so, and this is the result.

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Just realized ... you sound a lot like Joe Walsh, anyway just to say, I think the construct of the song is spot on, but for me the constant sound  of the THU ? thingy just comes across as a monotonous drone and gave me ear fatigue.

I think I would use it more sparingly and bring in perhaps a rhythm guitar with the bass line more pronounced ( nice Bass from Mr Fife ). However that said I liked the way the lyrics fit and the way they have been sung, with a bit of fettling this could be top drawer stuff.


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SPAK, thanks for your insightful comments.  Actually the TH-U doesn't run through the entire song, but the Z3TA+2 does.  Though your idea has merit and will be considered.  This is the kind of comment that I look for.  I'll pass along your compliment to Roger.

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Gary, thanks for your reply.  I will give the de-esser a try on the next pass.  My old ears don't hear it, but yours might.  When it's all said and done, it sure helps to get as many opinions as I can.

John, I really appreciate the kind words from you.  I used earbuds at one point in the monitoring process, so I will keep doing that.  Thanks for the comment on "Defying Gravity".  That has become one of my favorite songs.

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It's the Lynn song machine at it again. Really cool tune here.

One mix idea would be that open hi-hat, it's getting speared into a swoosh instead of ringing naturally. Are you compressing that thing a ton? And its volume in the left side leaps out of the groove. The rest of the hi-hat sounds nice and controlled.

I like the congas.


The killer stuff is your vocal and harmonized bgv. Wish I could do that. Do you send both to the same delay?


nice mover, Lynn.




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I like the song, especially the low piano (I love the low register notes on a grand piano).   Your vocal and harmonies are right on as is your arrangement.  My only nit is in the mix.  Sounds to my ears that you have your instruments hard panned too much.  When I listen on headphones it sounds like I'm in a tunnel with everything to the extreme right or left except your voice(s).

?John B

BTW- I let the next song, "Defying Gravity" play.  Outstanding piece of music!

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Good, well written song Lynn, you certainly have developed a style all of your own over the years. Excellent turnaround into the hookline, very nice. The only thing I would crit is the drums, they seem a bit disconnected from the track; they're pushing along OK but not really responding to what's happening. 

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Thanks to Tom, John, and James for your welcome replies.  There seems to be agreement about the drums and panning so let me explain.  I'm using Superior Drummer 3, and I used preset beats and wrote the song around them.  Other than lower the overhead drum mics, I've done very little processing to the drums as a whole.  It may be time to tweak some of the things you are writing about.  Plus, I'm writing a pop song on top of funk beats which is a little trick of mine that may or may not be successful.  That's why I look for your opinions.  And, John, as to the panning, I like wide mixes, but I noticed there's a world of difference between speakers and headphones.  This is the first time I used headphones that were calibrated by Sonarworks, so it might take some adjustment for me to get used to them.  Anyway, all these comments help a great deal and will be taken into consideration on my next pass.

p.s.- Tom, I do send both vocals to the same buss sharing the delay.

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Hi, Lynn,

This is a really cool smooth rocker, well written and great lyrics, and the vocals and harmonies are outstanding as always!?

Great keyboard and synth work, Roger did a fantastic job on the bass, and the sound of the drums is really good.  The dense mix sounds loud, clear and well balanced.

The only thing that distracted me a little was the rapidly closing hi-hat that seems panned about 50% right, and then switches to 50% left later in the song.  I'm guessing that you might be using it more as an additional synth type percussion effect in the mix, hence the panning movement, but to me, it seems like it's sticking out a bit too much and should be pulled back a few dBs to blend with the rest of the drum set.  Of course, that's just my subjective opinion, and the song sounds great as is!

Really good stuff, Lynn, it's always great to hear a new one from you!?

Have a great weekend!


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Hi Lynn me old mate

Before reading any comments above, first thing that hit me was the drums getting drowned out by everything else and they should be the driving force in my opinion. Sounds like you need to strip back and get the drums right then bring everything back in.

Great lyrically and performance-wise but sounds like everything is fighting for space in the mix.


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Bob, Daryl, and Wookie, thanks so much for replying to this.  From the beginning, the drums have been pointed out to me as being a weak link.  I totally agree because I didn't scrutinize the drums carefully, as I was using stock presets that come with SD3.  This morning I soloed the drums in the PRV and found much to edit.  There was a splash cymbal playing at the same time my hihat was playing that is gone now, and I lowered the overhead channels a tad.  I'm also raising the overall volume in relation to everything else.  I still have a little work to do, yet, getting everything to sit well in the mix, but I'm getting there thanks to everyone's help.

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OK, I spent several hours yesterday going over the drum tracks in the PRV.  I removed unnecessary hits and lowered the overheads a bit to balance the cymbals and hihat better.  I hope everything sits better this time, but I'm glad that I took the time with this as I enjoy listening to it more.  Thanks again everyone; I hope some of you get to listen one more time and tell me if I was successful or not.

It's here and in the first post:  https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13846768

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As always, you consistently do professional sounding material in terms of composition, arrangement and performance.  I'm listening on tiny computer speakers so take this comment with a grain of salt, but it sounded to me like the vocal got lost a few times.  I noticed no one else mentioned this, so again, it might just be my speakers.

It's good to see you here and that you stayed with CW.

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