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"Die Hard" (Rock) Mix#3 - 4/2/19

Bob Oister

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"Die Hard" (Rock)
Hi again, guys!

I just uploaded a Test Mix for a new song called "Die Hard".
If you can spare a few moments to check it out, as always, any and all helpful comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, input and ideas are very welcome, and also greatly appreciated!?

Big thanks in advance for any observations, suggestions, comments and ideas!?

EDIT:  4/2/19

Hi, Guys,

I just uploaded Mix#3 with all the suggested fixes/changes, hopefully I'm getting this closer to where it should be.

Sincere thanks to everybody who listened and offered input, suggestions and observations!  That's what's going to make this place get back to the "Glory Days", like on the old forum!?

Thanks again, and have a good one!?


" Die Hard"


Edited by Bob Oister
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Hi Bob, well I can't hear too much wrong with this, I think you're in the ball-park already. HUGE guitar sound! I can't hear much bass, but maybe it's unison with the guitars. I can hear the kick drum no problem. Great stuff, well up to your usual standard.

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James G:

Hi, James,

How are you, my friend?  Hope you're doing great!?

Thanks for checking out my first new recording and mix in quite a while, I really appreciate your input and comments!

Your right on the money about the bass.   After a quick 20 minute mix on this, right before I uploaded to Soundclick, I thought there was too much low end on the bass and pulled it back a bit, and it does mostly follow the guitar except for a couple of little runs.  Because I mainly use my 5-string bass, sometimes the lows can get a bit out of hand.  So, I record the bass to two tracks through two different amp sims, one for really deep lows, and one for clickety-clack low mids, and then eq each track separately.  Then, I try to balance the levels using the two track faders to try to get the bass to fit comfortably with the low drop tuned guitars and the kick drum.  It's always a bit of a balancing act, and it's always great to get some good ears like yours from the guys here on the forum to help me get it right.  You've certainly saved me quite a few times!?

Thanks for your input, friendship and support, James, truly appreciated!

Best Wishes,


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Hi, Steve,

Big thanks for giving this a listen, and also for your good input and kind comments!?

I'm still struggling a bit on trying to get my "Studio Ears" back after a year and a half away from recording and mixing, so your input and observations are important to me and greatly appreciated.  Especially due to the amazing quality of your posts here on the forum!?

Thanks again, my friend, and have a great weekend!



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On 3/8/2019 at 12:10 AM, Bob Oister said:

So, I record the bass to two tracks through two different amp sims, one for really deep lows, and one for clickety-clack low mids, and then eq each track separately.  Then, I try to balance the levels using the two track faders to try to get the bass to fit comfortably with the low drop tuned guitars and the kick drum.  It's always a bit of a balancing act, and it's always great to get some good ears like yours from the guys here on the forum to help me get it right.  You've certainly saved me quite a few 


Edited by garybrun
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Hi, Lynn,

It's really great to hear from you, buddy!  Hope you're having a great weekend!

Big thanks for lending your good ears to this, and also for the very encouraging comments!?

Yes, sir, unfortunately, other than changing strings on a couple of my guitars, I was away from playing and recording for quite a while.  I've been slowing trying to make some time to get things going again, and I figured the new forum was a good kick in the pants to give me a fresh start.  I always appreciate everyone's input, suggestions and ideas on my stuff!

Thanks again for giving this new one a listen, and for your always good input and observations, I always look forward to your opinion and ideas on my stuff, and your songs are always top quality!?

Have a Rockin' weekend, Lynn!


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Hi, Gary,

How are you, my friend?  Hope you're doing well!

Thanks for checking this new test mix out for me, greatly appreciated!?

Sorry I couldn't comment on your tip earlier, I was out and about and viewing the forum on my phone,  so I couldn't reply at the time.

Your bass mixing tip is very similar to what I do.  I use extreme high and low pass filters on two different bass tracks, except I don't duplicate the tracks, I use two drastically different amp sims while recording the bass, and then add a bit crusher plugin to the higher frequency track to help it cut through the mix a little better, and then try to blend the two tracks together until it sounds in the ballpark.

Thanks gain for listening and for your good input.  I really like learning the tips and techniques that others here on the forum are using to achieve their high quality mixes!  The old forum used to have a "Techniques" sub-forum dedicated to cool recording and mixing articles, tips and tricks, which I loved and visited quite often.  I really wish they would consider adding a Techniques section here on the new forum.?

Have a good one, Gary!


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@Bob Oister  Hi Bob.
Thanks for the comments.
I didnt delete the tip becasue you hadnt answered me  ?

I thought maybe I was maybe coming accross as a little bit of a big head.... (Im not like that) as I also posted on another thread a tip.
Thought that if people share what they do to correct things,  I thought it would make the area more interesting and help people improve on their mixes.
So seriously Im not offended.

I have one internet forum that I run has over 25000 members so I have a very think skin.
Promise it wasnt becasue you hadnt responed ...   but thanks for thinking about me anyway ?

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Bob, Always hard for me to comment on songs in a genre I don't much listen to, but saying that I always like your stuff. You have the production down very well, the mix sounds really good and  you're blessed with a great rock n' roll voice.

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Hi Bob!

Sounds to me like you have this pretty well taken care of so I can't offer much.  Sounds nice and well balanced to me in every way including recording, mixing, all of your performances.  I especially enjoy the vocal.  I think it's radio ready as is.

?John B.

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you know, i listened to this when you first posted it,

and i thought i wrote a review then!!

i guess i had a moment.



i dig this.

it's a hot master, maybe TOO hot, but the arrangement allows it to be full on.

personally, i'd love to hear a version of this song mastered to no more than -14LUFS, and see if it's way more dynamic that way.

i always have a volume knob handy. i know how to crank stuff up!!


dig the solo tone.

i love the overlaps.



at 1:16, that time change just seems to fall apart.

the fact that you keep playing thru it, allows it to come right back together...

and i dig those light plucks on the rhythm, but they seem just slightly behind the beat when they first start, and catch up with the rhythm by the end of the bridge........


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Hoo- hah!!!!  This is one of my new fav.'s from you.  It really has an enormous sound and is one heck of a rocker.  The guitars that come in about mid-way in the song (one at ~1:30 and the other about ~1:50) really add an edge to the song.  I think that the mix is spot on and the vocals (lead and BGV) are excellent.  BTW, the lead toward the end  --- coooool!


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Hi, Gary,

No problem, my friend! We think alike and I agree with you 100%.?

If people here share how they approach fixing problems in a mix, and share their techniques and tips used in recording and mixing, everyone can learn and benefit from it.  The old Songs Forum and Techniques forum was always a fantastic place to learn and improve recording and mixing skills, and it looks like activity is starting to really pick up here, so I think people will start to feel more comfortable here and do the same.  The old Cakewalk forum was a fantastic community of very knowledgeable, helpful people who were always willing to offer ideas and suggestions, and many have made it over here now, so, I believe things are looking up!?

Thanks again, Gary, have a great day!


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Byron Dickens:

Hi, Byron,

Thanks for giving this a listen and for your encouraging comments, I truly appreciate you taking time to check it out for me!?

Yes, Sir, been a fan of AIC since the Layne Staley days, they were one of the first "post 80's" bands that I actually liked.

By the way, your new orchestral post was really well done, great stuff, buddy!?

Thanks again, Byron, have a great weekend!

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Hi, Bjorn,

It's great to hear from you, hope you had a great time on your trip to Uganda!?

Thank you very much for checking this out for me, and also for your very kind comments!  I truly appreciate your input and observations on my stuff.  I actually believe it's really helpful to get input from people who don't normally listen to the particular genre, because it provides a fresh, different perspective which I think is always useful.

By the way, great job on your recent collab with Lynn, really cool song!?

Thanks again, Bjorn, and have a great weekend!


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Hi, Guys,

I just uploaded Mix#2 after hearing your comments and suggestions!?

I beefed up the low end on the bass with just a touch of EQ and bumped the bass volume up about 1 dB.  I also touched up the timing of the plucked guitar that comes in on the right side at the beginning of the second verse, which I think helped with the slightly awkward transition to the second verse that Batsbrew mentioned.

I'm just hoping that I didn't swamp the low end after the very slight bass changes, please let me know what you think if you see this.

Thanks again to everybody for your input, observations and suggestions, it truly means the world to me to hear from you guys!?

Have a good one!

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