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Guitar distorted

David Hall

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Hi, I'm new to Bandlab. I'm trying to set up my acoustic guitar through a Focusrite Scarlett Solo. However, no matter how low the guitar volume is or how low the Gain is turned down, it still sounds horribly distorted. Also, I can not see any waveforms in the monitor when recording but when I've finished, I can. Am I doing something wrong here? Input definitely set correctly as Focusrite.

Thanks for any help!


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28 minutes ago, David Hall said:

I can not see any waveforms in the monitor when recording but when I've finished, I can.

This is how it works. the wav form will materialize after the recording is completed. The waveform is not real-time, like a dB meter would be.

As far as the distortion problem, it can be a few things. It can be a driver issue or a clipping issue.

First, i would check your audio interface's drivers and make sure they are up to date and set up correctly. Having the drivers in the worn driver mode and wrong buffer settings can cause artifacts that can to some sound like distortion. If you have an audio interface from a good manufacturer, like MOTU, Focusrite or RME, try ASIO driver mode and try raising your ASIO buffers a bit..

2nd, I would look at your entire signal chain and check every single gain stage to make sure nothing is clipping.

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David , go to "Preferences" and click "Display" There is a check box there for "show waveform preview while recording" make sure it's checked.  As far as the distortion the waveform will help with levels , but you may have other issues. One thing to do is select your guitar track , turn On your record button and input echo button and look at your volume meter (without playing anything). Your meter shouldn't be showing any signal. If it  is  you've got a hardware problem like a bad chord , mic , interface etc.. or your levels are just jacked up too much. If it's not showing a signal it's a software issue like routing drivers etc ..  This is somewhere to start .   mark

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Thanks CJ. So, the most recent drivers are installed (and reinstalled). As Focusrite Solo supports ASIO there are no settings to change there. So I'm stumped! I've tried audio through amic through the same interface and that is spot on. Going to try electric guitar and see if I have same issues.

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56 minutes ago, mark skinner said:

David , go to "Preferences" and click "Display" There is a check box there for "show waveform preview while recording" make sure it's checked.  As far as the distortion the waveform will help with levels , but you may have other issues. One thing to do is select your guitar track , turn On your record button and input echo button and look at your volume meter (without playing anything). Your meter shouldn't be showing any signal. If it  is  you've got a hardware problem like a bad chord , mic , interface etc.. or your levels are just jacked up too much. If it's not showing a signal it's a software issue like routing drivers etc ..  This is somewhere to start .   mark

Hi Mark - I'm using the web interface version so I don't have that option I'm afraid. Would you suggest I download a different version?

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Sometimes what we perceive as distortion isn't really distortion at all. For example, short dropouts can sound like distortion. This can occur if you're using small audio buffers so that you can monitor your guitar through the computer. Try increasing your buffer size and see if that alleviates the symptom.

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3 minutes ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Are you using Bandlab or Cakewalk by Bandlab?  Big difference.

I'm a newbie and just realised that there appears to be two version! I've been trying out the web-based version which must be Bandlab. I'm now downloading Cakewalk which appears to be a desktop full package. I sound thick but am I right? And which would you recommend?


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2 minutes ago, scook said:


This forum and the DAW specific advice provided here is for Cakewalk by BandLab, a Windows-based DAW.

AFAIK, there is no comparable forum for BandLab but there is a Facebook group.


Thanks. I'm downloading now. Sorry for being a thicko newbie! ?

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Give the guy a break.

The OP, new to BandLab products and the forum mentions only BandLab in his first post and it only took 2 more post before we discover

1 hour ago, David Hall said:

Hi Mark - I'm using the web interface version so I don't have that option I'm afraid. Would you suggest I download a different version?

immediately after that

1 hour ago, David Hall said:

I'm a newbie and just realised that there appears to be two version! I've been trying out the web-based version which must be Bandlab. I'm now downloading Cakewalk which appears to be a desktop full package. I sound thick but am I right? And which would you recommend?


That's pretty quick.


Hopefully he will come back and report success or ask for more help.

Pretty sure we can offer decent help for CbB.


I would recommend a bit of "do as I say not as I do" advice though.

Consider adding Hardware details (both PC and audio interface) and OS in the signature section.

This is found by clicking on the user name in the upper right, click on Account Settings then Signature.

Adding this info in .sig can help a lot when offering advice.


Also mentioning the version info found in the Cakewalk by BandLab About screen when posting is helpful.






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See the little button that say's instrument? Try that, If your acoustic guitar has a built in pre amp then you need to lower the gain structure substantially from what a mikes or electric guitars level would be . Your running a pre amp through a pre amp. I'm not sure if the Solo has input meters on the front anymore.. Do the rings around the gain knobs change colour still?  



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23 minutes ago, scook said:

Give the guy a break.

The OP, new to BandLab products and the forum mentions only BandLab in his first post and it only took 2 more post before we discover

immediately after that

That's pretty quick.


Hopefully he will come back and report success or ask for more help.

Pretty sure we can offer decent help for CbB.


I would recommend a bit of "do as I say not as I do" advice though.

Consider adding Hardware details (both PC and audio interface) and OS in the signature section.

This is found by clicking on the user name in the upper right, click on Account Settings then Signature.

Adding this info in .sig can help a lot when offering advice.


Also mentioning the version info found in the Cakewalk by BandLab About screen when posting is helpful.






Well, quick test of Cakewalk and without knowing the program very well at all, I've succesfully recorded some guitar with NO distortion so I am delighted. Maybe the web version just didn't like it? No idea. Now I just need to learn the program! Learn how to easily put effects in etc. Also, if anybody has any experience of setting up an MDK Mini in Cakewalk I'd appreciate it! Thanks, David

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1 minute ago, John Vere said:

See the little button that say's instrument? Try that, If your acoustic guitar has a built in pre amp then you need to lower the gain structure substantially from what a mikes or electric guitars level would be . Your running a pre amp through a pre amp. I'm not sure if the Solo has input meters on the front anymore.. Do the rings around the gain knobs change colour still?  



I appear to have it all sorted now. I've come from Cubase (which soon became tiresome) but never had issues with that. Appears that the web version I had problems with. Thanks!


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I found BandLab a little tricky to setup.

It's pretty incredible a DAW can run as a Web app.

Regardless CbB should be much easier to work with especially coming from another traditional DAW.

Glad to here CbB is working for you.



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