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Waves Plugins suddenly not found anymore


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Hi folks.

I had to reinstall Cakewalk, in this turn updating it to the latest version (2020.09, Build 006, 64 Bit). Now suddenly all of my Waves Plugins are shown as being missing when opening a project in which they were used. Of course they are still installed. I tried to repair them, uninstall and reinstall them, delete the Cache in Waves Central, reinstall Waves Central - nothing helped. Strangely, when I delete them and restart Cakewalk it shows the notification of plugins having been deleted. When I reinstall them, new ones are added. So Cakewalk obviously scans and finds them. But I cannot see them in the list of plugins and they are not recognized by the projects.

I wondered, if it might help to reset the Scan Options in VST Settings. But the documentation says, it will "remove all scanning records and settings from all your VST plug-ins". Does this mean, all presets in all VST plugins or the settings I made in my projects will be deleted? I wouldn't want to risk that.

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On 10/1/2020 at 9:26 PM, SebFri said:

I wondered, if it might help to reset the Scan Options in VST Settings. But the documentation says, it will "remove all scanning records and settings from all your VST plug-ins". Does this mean, all presets in all VST plugins or the settings I made in my projects will be deleted? I wouldn't want to risk that.

A VST reset clears and rebuids the CbB VST plug-in inventory in the registry. Any plug-in property changes made in the properties page accessed in the plug-in manager and the VST2/3 drop down in the standard header above the plug-in UI will be undone lost (ex. Configure as Synth and Configure as tempo-based effect).

A VST reset does not touch plug-in presets or projects.

Run the VST reset from preferences and make sure to enable "Scan in Sandbox" and "Generate Scan Log". Do not enable the rescan option above Scan in Sandbox.

I have no idea if a VST reset will correct Waves issues though. I do not use Waves plug-ins. I have read their support is very good.

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Neither the problem nor the solution has anything to do with Cakewalk.

Waves' copy protection is notoriously fragile, a mousetrap with a hair trigger. Repaired your motherboard? Sorry, we assume that means you are a criminal. Replaced your network adapter? No RBass for you today!

What you have to do is re-authorize your Waves plugins using their tool. I've had to do that twice in the past, but neither time did I need to open a support ticket. Actually, back then I couldn't open a support ticket because at the time they denied support to anyone not enrolled in their protection racket (aka WUP). Since then, I've managed to avoid the problem, mainly by no longer using Waves plugins.

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On 10/18/2020 at 7:33 PM, Dave (ModBod) Modisette said:

I'm having problems with Waves plugins, as well.  In my case, I don't think its just a Cakewalk problem as I am having the same issue with every DAW program I own.  My issue, started with the need to replace my motherboard and having to reinstall the Waves plugs.

Your Waves licenses are  tied to your old hardware. If you had moved your licenses back into the license cloud prior to swapping hardware, you would be good to go now with just reactivating the licenses on your new hardware.

But now, with no access to deactivate them  from your old computer hardware, you will need to perform a complete license recovery.

The good news is that Waves will allow you to perform a full recovery once per year (don't ask me how I know, LOL). ?


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Or you could just stick to freeware to avoid authorizations.

I just recently replaced my motherboard and it turned out that nearly all of my authorized software (not just Waves) was tied to my hardware and has to be re-activated.

Even Windows 10 had to be re-activated. ?

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I had a similar problem related to network adaptors. Waves support helped me get the licences back without using the annual reset.

Since I have moved my licences to a USB thumb drive so they are no longer tied to hardware components, having changed my view that this was the more risky option.

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