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My wife said I have gas....

Doc H

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So I walk into the family room and me little lady says, “You’ve got gas.”

I thought it was a simple rhetorical statement. “Oh,....,” I say.

she says, “I can tell.”

I say, “Oh.... so you’ve been in the studio,” rather sheepishly.

you’ve never seen a Hessian girl’s head snap around so quick. “What do you mean?” she says.

I best extricate myself from the room, me thinks. ‘Cause this isn’t going to end well.......

I thought she meant GAS. Honestly!!!

Well.... so I say. “Beans, beans they’re a musical fruit.... you really don’t want to go in there......”

Now, I hope she doesn’t go looking in there anytime soon......

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2 hours ago, Bapu said:

My lovely lady did purchase a few of my basses (and one guitar) for me as gifts. I just keep most of the  others hidden.

I have a good friend that wanted to have guitars shipped to my address.

I let him do that a couple of times... then put an end to it.

I told him his wife is intelligent enough to know that his guitars don't reproduce.

She's an accountant... and probably already had a spread-sheet with all accounted.   ?

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6 hours ago, paulo said:

Don't sweat it fellas.....she might not let on, but she considers all your toys as an electronic babysitter that keeps you out of the way while she gets and and does what she wants to do.

I have my own space dedicated to music. Which means she has to go looking. 

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I have a very good comeback to my wife. She has JAS ( junk acquisition syndrome) . At least I can use the stuff I buy.

Biggest mistake I ever made was when I bought a Variax. I told my wife, " This is like 26 guitars in one".   Now if I ever mention another guitar........................


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