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How do you like add autotune etc to vocals

D Dimez

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The easiest way is to drag the effect from the FX browser to the FX bin on your audio track:


Note: for things like reverb, using the effects bin directly on the track may not be the preferred way. There are other ways such as using buses or aux tracks, however if you're starting off, just go with the method above for now until you get comfortable with it.

For things like AutoTune or Melodyne, you may want to apply the effect directly to the audio (destructive audio editing) so that it applies the effect permanently rather than use the effects bin like a traditional fx rack in real-time. But it depends if you're using it as an "effect"  or for correction.

There's more in the Cakewalk documentation: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=EditingAudio.24.html

For AutoTune type effects specifically, MAutoPitch from Melda Productions is pretty good, and its free with their "free bundle": https://www.meldaproduction.com/MFreeFXBundle



Edited by msmcleod
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Why not use the prochannel in the inspector. Just press "i" on your keyboard and the inspector will appear on the left hand side of the screen, it's like another window. At the top there will be some tabs, one will be prochannel, click that one then you will see the available effects already available you can use, you can add or subtract fx.


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