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Piece of crap usb mic package; $28.59


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Some people by the XLR version (type BM-700, various names)  for the capsule, for modding. The stand is decent, the cloth in the pop filter is on the thin side.  The capsule is nice, the mikes can be from terrible to OK, they are not all real condenser mikes, but some actually are.

I bought one such kit for pittance (called Tonor) and have a descent condenser for it, I indend to mod it. Got a box that provides phantom power with it that is actually nice.

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I've got to admit I haven't seen posts containing links bold enough to announce that the linked product is a piece of crap.  ?  Kind of refreshing.    That normally doesn't get said until someone buys the product and then posts a review. 

Ooops.  Just noticed it wasn't the initial poster but another poster that made the POC comment.  My apologies to @e-cue for the error.

Edited by Jim Fogle
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I remember when there was the Excelvan mic that sold for something like $6, including shipping that Larry posted here.   It was something like $30 but then a secret Lars code brought it down to six bucks.

Most of us bought it.  I did anyway. 

It's not too bad.  Capsule mic.  Wind screen.   Sturdy cardboard box.  Weird cable that's not good for much.

The thing needs phantom power though.

Oh,  but it wasn't USB.

Edited by Reid Rosefelt
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15 hours ago, Jim Fogle said:

I've got to admit I haven't seen posts containing links bold enough to announce that the linked product is a piece of crap

I was expecting that it was actually going to be called "Piece of Crap" and was the start of a new era in marketing honesty.

I should have known that will never happen, but imagine if it did.........

APD DEAL !!!!!!  The same price as it is everywhere else !!!! New (well, it was when he started it 10 years ago) from some guy in his spare bedroom who doesn't even put pants on most days, but masquerades as a being a big software company, a completely mediocre synth that doesn't do anything that countless others already do. Buy it now or you'll be able to buy it for less in the not too distant future.

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The problem with a lot of these cheaper mics is the "cheap" components & quality assurance.  I say "cheap", but actually the issue isn't that all the components are rubbish, they're just not all tested for tolerance (this is what makes more expensive components more expensive - they test them, and discard the ones that don't hit the grade).

So one in every 1 in 100 or so, you'll actually get a pretty good mic. Very hit & miss though.

This is why they're so well suited for modding - you can upgrade the components / capsule to better quality ones... or replace the whole board & capsule.

Personally I wouldn't touch a USB mic for use in a DAW though.  The pre-amps are bound to be crap, and because of the ASIO restrictions you're pretty much forced to use WDM unless all you're doing is voice-over. At least with an XLR mic you have a choice of pre-amp.

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