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The air quality where I live has been rated the Worst in The Planet


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Who you gonna call to tap that ASSZZ

Look no further you sexy green blob . Here's you guy  !


Oh Man ! Jim Morrison was right when he sang the lyric People are Strange


At least we are all safe for tonight and we can  make it over the stonewall  together for a change .




Edited by kennywtelejazz
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6 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

I hope you have and use a bidet often because butt hole cleanliness  is real important when you don't wear traditional  pants   ...more than once over the years I have caught a brown racing strip on the inside of my jeans  ...yeah that might be TMI but  I don't  plan on marking my furniture  with my but hole secretion's any time soon ...

FYI, I'm a man, not a caveman.?

Oh and yeah, waaayyy TMI.

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7 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:


  Actually I wouldn't mind  getting a pair of those pants  ...that hat  has to go  .

Are those what you wear when you have your famous  rooting patooting egg salad   sandwiches ?


correct, also with 2 egg salad sandwiches any mosquito/fly etc will leave/die quickly, very handy.

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9 hours ago, paulo said:

FYI, I'm a man, not a caveman.?

Oh and yeah, waaayyy TMI.

You Da Man


7 hours ago, Sheens said:

correct, also with 2 egg salad sandwiches any mosquito/fly etc will leave/die quickly, very handy.

You sound like an interesting guy to take camping because  the camp sight will be free of all  bugs and critters  .. We will have to remember to bring an extra tent just for you ?



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10 minutes ago, Starise said:

I see this thread is still going strong.

What was the subject again?

It was .....The Air Quality of Portland has been Rated The Worst in The Planet .

Since the air quality recently cleared up here in The Portland area , Now I have no freaking  idea what we are talking about :P

Since I'm a Man ! I ain't asking for directions . I don't want my Man Card Pulled ...?



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Oh yeah that's right were talking about air quality and I brought bigfoot up and somehow that led to us talking about being hairy. I think that was my fault too, and  bigfoot rub and then I mentioned having just tried a rub not long ago ....then I think sheens somehow tied farting into all of this. Maybe it wasn't sheens. 

You don't really want to get me started on farting because I could tell you a few campfire stories. 100% true but 200% TMI.  Heck I could probably write the TMI book but I don't want to put any of you through that.:D

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15 hours ago, Sheens said:

looking sharp Kenny !

there's plenty single Tiroler girls...


WOW Sheens! She is one fine looking Lady ...can I have her when your done ?


14 hours ago, craigb said:

Looking a bit red in the face there Kenny!  I hope that's not because you're embarrassed about anything!  ?

Craigb! I didn't take my own advice and I wound up eating an egg salad sandwich before the party .So yeah , of course I'm red in the face .

I finally get the girl of my Oktoberfest Dreams  and I have to hold back a butt full of smelly Oompah Oompah sound effects that for all I know could turn out to be sharts  ...

28 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

OT: the rain and wind have returned and air quality is now good again.

Hi Dave ! I got up super early today and when I saw that it is raining , the sight of the rain  put a smile on my face and my heart did a little happy dance .

Right now I got all my windows open and my central air fan is running  to push out some of the old stale air ....

I hope the crews working on the fires get some relief as a result of the rainy weather ..

Oh BTW , you happen to be totally on topic with your post .Truly a rare event on this forum indeed





Edited by kennywtelejazz
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On 9/12/2020 at 1:09 PM, craigb said:

There are over three dozen major fires going in Oregon and even more than in Washington and California (not to mention the states that border these!).  I think Mother Nature is punishing the West Coast (Left Coast?) for it's idiotic politics...

Check out this Government Fire Map!

Like Kenny, I can barely see across the street and the sun is just a little red circle in the sky!  There's finally a REAL reason to wear a mask if you have to be outside...

We have some clients that have already evacuated and others that are prepping (we're working to make sure they're backups are safe - I do IT consulting).  Between my business partner and I, we have several friends and relatives that have evacuated.  The statistic that blew me away (I'm not sure I agree with the "Worst Air Quality on the Planet one, I've seen parts of China on video!), is that 10% of the population of Oregon has been evacuated! (Over 500,000 people.)

There was a rumor going around that Antifa was starting the fires (they did double in number over night), but this was primarily due to a fake social media account that got created.  This rumor has been well OVER debunked with all sorts of media (including Snopes) saying it's just not true.  I believed this too until I learned a few things...  There was a 37-year old female from Selenas California that was arrested for starting fires (no known Antifa affiliation), then a 36-year old male from Puyallup Washington (who DID turn out to be an Antifa member), plus they were looking for a guy "with a black German Sheppard and a green SUV" who was seen starting a fire.  Now, that still didn't convince me until I heard from an ex-business partner in Willamina Oregon who witnessed some youths get arrested with "incendiary devices" on them, a client who was listening to a police scanner in Molalla Oregon about police chasing four to five cars of kids throwing Molotov cocktails, and a guy who used to be on my dart team posted a video (since removed by the censorship of Facebook) showing the arrest of one of occupants in one of those cars...  Now I'm not convinced there isn't a connection...  Even without any organized affiliation, people that are starting fires should have all the punishment possible!  There are at least four towns in Oregon  (Detroit, Pace, Talent and Phoenix) that simply no longer exist!  I have no idea what the death count is up to by now (more than 20), but MILLIONS of acres of land have burned (to give an idea of the scope, it's more than the entire size of Wales' 8,002 square miles!).

Of course, as much as most of the population just wants to get the fires put out and then figure out how to start over, the idiotic people that somehow got elected to run things are, naturally, trying to politicize things...  After repeatedly saying that the Federal government should stay out of all the "Left Coast" states, the governors are now begging for help (while complaining that it's coming too late - more "Trump's fault!" B.S.) - oh, and they're also using this as proof of Global Warming!  Really???!  Facts mean nothing to these people and they should all be put in a hole if you ask me.  (Ah, I forgot to mention some of the mishandling of fire resources where some units were allowed to be lent to other places because they pay more and, therefore, became unavailable when they're OWN neighborhoods needed to be evacuated!  Wow...

I hope they get all these fires out soon with minimal more destruction and impact on people!  We just had a very welcome change in the weather that should help.

wow. thats a lot of political,  rightwing nonsense.  ANTIFA is an ideology,  not some organized group that would go around straying fires.  Spreading this type of lies is outright dangerous in the heated American climate.  you have right wing nuts with rifles pulling normal people over because of posts like this.  this has been widely discredited by the FBI (the FBI!) and local police.  And everyone, except those that have a political agenda.  The fires are in mostly federal land.  that means its the responsibility of the federal government (or you know who).  And what did you know who do?  he cut the budget,  of course.  Also, climate change.  Beatle infestations and severe drought have come together to cause the conditions ripe for all the fires.  So..please...no political bs here.  BTW, I'm a long time listener,  first time caller.  

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2 hours ago, Hugh Mann said:

wow. thats a lot of political,  rightwing nonsense.  you have right wing nuts with rifles pulling normal people over because of posts like this.  this has been widely discredited by the FBI (the FBI!) and local police.  And everyone, except those that have a political agenda.  The fires are in mostly federal land.  that means its the responsibility of the federal government (or you know who).  And what did you know who do?  he cut the budget,  of course.  Also, climate change.  Beatle infestations and severe drought have come together to cause the conditions ripe for all the fires.  So..please...no political bs here.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that detecting irony isn't your strong suit!

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He's definitely drank a lot of the mass media Koolaid.  He also apparently can't read well either.

That said, I do hope HE never has to deal with the reality that evidently isn't being reported wherever he lives.

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