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The air quality where I live has been rated the Worst in The Planet


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6 hours ago, Hugh Mann said:

naw,  just not gonna let the bs political  propaganda remain uncorrected.  Again,  can we have no politics please?  

Hugh, I didn’t see one once of politicism in Craigb’s post. Nor any propaganda. And his post was full of disclaimers. And the reality is,.... that the smoke really snookered things up. (Not to be confused with the game that is played upon a felt covered table). And..... and....


let’s all go have a beer.

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15 hours ago, Hugh Mann said:

 Beatle infestations and severe drought have come together to cause the conditions ripe for all the fires.  

My fav line.

At least the rhythm section of the band is still alive.

Edited by Bapu
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15 hours ago, Hugh Mann said:

wow. thats a lot of political,  rightwing nonsense.  ANTIFA is an ideology,  not some organized group that would go around straying fires.  Spreading this type of lies is outright dangerous in the heated American climate.  you have right wing nuts with rifles pulling normal people over because of posts like this.  this has been widely discredited by the FBI (the FBI!) and local police.  And everyone, except those that have a political agenda.  The fires are in mostly federal land.  that means its the responsibility of the federal government (or you know who).  And what did you know who do?  he cut the budget,  of course.  Also, climate change.  Beatle infestations and severe drought have come together to cause the conditions ripe for all the fires.  So..please...no political bs here.  BTW, I'm a long time listener,  first time caller.  

Well, before this thread gets appropriately locked, here's a quick bit of extra conspiracy (evidently).

"ANTIFA is an ideology,  not some organized group"

I've PERSONALLY met and had to deal with a bunch of the idiots in ANTIFA.  The "pawns" are not very organized, but they are actually getting directions from those "using" them telling them exactly how they are supposed to act (which is actually as fascists and anarchists).  They are being paid to be destructive.  I've seen the ads recruiting them; I've also seen the "props" they've been provided like pallets of bricks, pre-made signs, protective vests, etc.; and I've seen the videos where they admit that they are only out there because they're being paid (this is why they can't say what they're "protesting" about although some will yell "Black Lives Matter!" right before they burn down a business owned by a black person).  I've also been impacted by their actions (I do IT consulting and we've lost clients in downtown Portland where ANTIFA has RIOTED for over 100 days straight - these in no way shape or form are "peaceful protests").  The last time I had to go downtown (last Tuesday), there are large parts that are completely trashed.  Lots of businesses have been vandalized or burned out, most of the buildings in a few block radius all have broken (now boarded-up) windows, holes in the wall and are all covered with graffiti.  The damages are estimated to be over a billion dollars (not counting all of those like myself who are impacted - I'm literally losing a lot of income per month because of the clients that can't reopen due to the damage, and this is above and beyond those impacted by the so-called pandemic).

"not some organized group that would go around straying fires."

No idea what "straying fires" means, so I'll assume you meant "starting fires."  However, this is exactly the type of behavior they're being asked to do.  As I mentioned in my original post, there was a RUMOR going around that had been overly debunked.  However, as I also stated, the guy arrested from Washington for starting fires WAS an ANTIFA member.  I also have two very reputable sources (an ex-business partner and a business owner that used to play on my dart team) who witnessed first-hand what I referred to.  I never stated that this was confirmed that ANTIFA was going around starting fires (even though some members actually were).

"you have right wing nuts with rifles pulling normal people over because of posts like this. "

I know of NO "normal" people who have been pulled over by any non-LEO.  I actually don't even know about any of these anarchist rioters being pulled over.  I DO know of some that were rightly held after being caught vandalizing.

"The fires are in mostly federal land.  that means its the responsibility of the federal government (or you know who)."

This is the real misinformation that's being programmed into suggestible sheep that makes me mad (my PhD work was in Hypnotherapy, so I easily see what's going on).  If you had actually read my entire post, you would have seen that FOUR entire towns are gone in Oregon alone (there could be more since).  I've got friends and relatives in California (where I'm originally from) that were impacted by the fires down there, and several friends and clients that were impacted up here in the Pacific Northwest (where I moved in 2003).  To think that over 500,000(!) people in Oregon alone live in "mostly federal land" is asinine!  You are only being told this because it's part of the B.S. blame Trump for everything campaign.  If you were actually here, you would know that federal aid has been offered for all of these issues and is always rejected by the idiots in charge (who then blame the President as they've obviously been told to do).  I also happen to personally know the Multnomah DA (Mike Schmidt) that has announced he will not be prosecuting anyone arrested during the riots (he was on one of the dart teams back when I was the Director of the league).  His actions not only make no sense, they're also illegal, but when you realize that his campaign received a lot of money from the same alleged person that's paying the rioters (George Soros - One article of many), it makes sense.  SOMEONE has been paying the large bails for those arrested, and one way to get that money back is for the cases to be thrown out.

"Also, climate change.  Beatle infestations and severe drought have come together to cause the conditions ripe for all the fires."

First of all, the last time there was a Beatle infestation in America was in 1969 at the Hollywood Bowl (I almost went actually).  Second, even if you had spelled "beetle" correctly, where in the heck did you hear that there were infestations and severe drought out here???  It's not well known that most of California is actually a desert (six of the top-10 driest cities are in California), but lots of the areas up here include rain forest.  Thirdly, you do NOT know the actual science behind climate change.  If you had done any real studying of the science, you'd find that the main reason the Earth is getting warmer has to do with it's location in the Platonic Cycle (about 25,800 years).  This is part of a normal process that was proved after examining hundreds of thousands of years of ice cores.  However, and this is the key part Sparky, in all cases, once there's more CO2 in the air (like there is now and what they claim is causing the warming), the primary heat increase has already taken place and the world is about to go into a cooling cycle (often an ice-age).  Needless to say, having a "save the world" objective allows governing bodies to grab more power and taxes over people.  Because, hey, everyone wants to save the world, right?

What you don't know about me is that I've spent months studying all these subjects (including actual scientific studies on a wide variety of areas, not just a quick YouTube summary).  It's very apparent that you get all your knowledge from mass media which no longer has any credence.  There's tons of evidence that all news outlets are being fed what to say.  I've started saving things I find now because entities like Google and Facebook have admitted (I've got the video) that they are now censoring information and only content from certain sources is being kept.  This is VERY un-American since we value free speech (or we used to!).  We should be able to see all sides and make our own decisions.  I know I've been wrong on things and I'm ok with that, it's an important part of learning.  But when someone jumps on an old thread and parrots exactly what they've been programmed to reply (especially when it does NOT mirror reality), I take objection to that.

All of that said, I don't blame you specifically, this is a huge issue.  With over 90% of all media being owned by a handful of entities, those that pull the strings know that they can say whatever they want and people will generally believe it.  This needs to be stopped!  I'm definitely not going to go into the whole picture of what is REALLY going on, I've spent months digging to find actual facts.  It's getting much harder (I wish I had saved the bulk I had seen before - most has been censored now).  I would love to get everyone to resume using their brains, but it's gotten so easy to get opinions provided to you then return to staring at your phone, computer or TV.  Unfortunately, unless we go over EVERYTHING (which would take many, many hours), putting out even a long post like this is only the tip of the iceberg.  I can also tell you that I also thought all of this was complete nut-job nonsense until aspects of at least of dozen areas all dovetailed together.  Because of this, I can confidently tell you that most of what you now are being fed on mass media is usually 180 degrees opposite of what's really happening.  My final comment is just to note that I was definitely not a conspiracy theorist until something happened to me and I needed to find out why.

tl;dr - You got your incorrect opinions provided to you, I got mine from either BEING there or from actual sources.

Edited by craigb
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Craigb.  You sound like a crazy person.  Your facts are wrong and its not worth arguing about.  You are all hyped up politically and it would be nice if you just respected the rules and didn’t spout your ridiculous political agenda.  Sigh.  Have at it.  I was hoping for a place to escape all that bs.  Enjoy your Fox News I.V.  Or more likely enema, lol.  Tada.  Not worth even bothering to refute your ridiculous  parroted propaganda.

Edited by Hugh Mann
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27 minutes ago, Hugh Mann said:

Craigb.  You sound like a crazy person.  Your facts are wrong and its not worth arguing about.  You are all hyped up politically and it would be nice if you just respected the rules and didn’t spout your ridiculous political agenda.  Sigh.  Have at it.  I was hoping for a place to escape all that bs.  Enjoy your Fox News I.V.  Or more likely enema, lol.  Tada.  Not worth even bothering to refute your ridiculous  parroted propaganda.

Had to save this for laughs (before you go back and edit it).

The fact that you think I'm the one parroting propaganda tells me that you, again, didn't read what I wrote.  You even had to throw in the typical Fox New reply that you've obviously been told to do!  ?

But, yes, I'm done here.  I truly would be crazy to continue to try and have a rational discussion of what's going on.

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