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20 Essential, Time-Saving Tips for Cakewalk By BandLab

Craig Anderton

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6 hours ago, Craig Anderton said:

Fixed the typo, thanks! Note that the tips apply to Sonar as well.

I don't use that either, it's just cclarry and the deals forum, I just caught shortened version of the thread tittle and had a peak, don't usually venture out of the basement.

Glad you fixed it, (not that it bothers me, eg, I'm happy with 2 to ot too) it just didn't make sense as it was, still understandable, and I know how much importance you put on these things, and you are usually on the mark.

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Funny, I would have thought Track and Project templates would have been #1 and #2 respectively.

Track templates especially save time when you are dealing with Reaktor instruments.  I actually clocked this on an older machine of mine.  It took about six seconds for me to drag a template and have it instantiate whichever instrument I was testing at the time.   It took over a minute to load Reaktor, find the ensemble, and load the patch.

With project templates, I always like to have a quick load template, for those moments when I wake up in the morning with a crazy idea.  In many cases it might make sense to have a template which relies on multi-gigabyte libraries.  However, when inspiration strikes, you don't want to be waiting on your instruments to load.  In those cases, I use Battery with a small drum library, a couple of audio tracks (some for guitar, some for vocals), a couple of simple synths, and maybe TTS for basic instruments.

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On 9/7/2020 at 12:59 PM, Jim Fogle said:

@Craig Anderton, Nice to see you posting on the forum once more.  We've missed you here and missed your columns in Sound On Sound.  Just yesterday I read a post wondering about the absence  of your Sound On Sound column .

It doesn't look like the Sound on Sound column will be coming back any time soon, they said not enough of their readers use Cakewalk to justify the space. I miss writing it, so I was hoping MusicTech would want to pick it up (Meng's company owns the magazine), but that didn't pan out. At the moment, the only place I have to put Cakewalk articles is on my craiganderton.org web site (although the Cakewalk by BandLab tips book is still available on craiganderton.com).

I do continue to post in the forum, but basically, I just scan the threads and see if any have topics where I might be able to help. It seems the regulars have everything under control, and of course, Steve Cook is a national treasure for Cakewalk users. :) 

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  • 2 months later...

20. To zoom the entire project in or out horizontally to fit within the Track View, double-click with the magnifying glass in the time ruler’s top half.

Not technically incorrect, as it does zoom horizontally, but unfortunately it also zooms your project vertically to fill the Track Pane with your project. Which if you only have a handful of tracks, results in Humongous Towering Tracks Syndrome.

I would love for Cakewalk to have a command to zoom horizontally to fit the project, but it ain't there.

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