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Missing VST Plug-ins

Bill Phillips

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I've been using 14 of the MeldaProduction Free Plugins including MConvolutionEZ for a few months with no problems. My PC had a problem with the Windows 10 2004 update and I eventually did a clean Windows install including wiping, re-partitioning and re-formatting the system drive. When I re-installed my MeldaProduction Plugins all showed up except for MConvolutionEZ. The MConvolutionEZ dlls are in the correct VST3 and VST2 x64 folders right next to MCharmVerb. But MCharmVerb shows up, loads and works. MConvolutionEZ does not show up. (See attached screenshots)

I get no errors in the VST Scan toast popup. I can manually rescan. Still no errors. And MConvolutionEZ does not show up in the excluded plugins.  I haven't been able to come up with any additional troubleshooting ideas. I don't recall the last time I had this problem. So I'm stuck.

Because the MeldaProduction installer is so easy to use. I've used it to delete all plugins and reinstall several times but nothing changes. I check the VST folders to verify that MConvolutionEZ disappears like all the rest and re-appears after the install. The dll is there but Cakewalk does not see it.

I have similar problems with two of the hundreds of iZotope plug-ins I have but so far I'm thinking that problem is an iZotope Product Portal problem but I'm having trouble getting a response for iZotope probably because they're in the middle of a couple production suite upgrade rollouts.

Any suggestions appreciated.



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23 hours ago, Bill Phillips said:

 When I re-installed my MeldaProduction Plugins all showed up except for MConvolutionEZ. The MConvolutionEZ dlls are in the correct VST3 and VST2 x64 folders right next to MCharmVerb. But MCharmVerb shows up, loads and works. MConvolutionEZ does not show up. (See attached screenshots)

This sounds very familiar--with MConvolutionEZ now showing up.  IIRC I solved it by going to the default Cakewalk plug-in layout instead of one of my own.  I forgot how to do that, but I believe that's what solved it.  

BTW, I liked it so much, I sprung for the Multi-Band version when it was on a half-price sale.

Edited by User 905133
fix typo "one" (not "none")
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Well this is embarrassing. I also posted this question on the KVR Audio Forum. One of the responders referred me to @scook responding to the same question from ME in October 2019. See quote below. Well @scook suggestion solved my problem this time too. So problem solved and face red. I did search for similar threads before posting this one. I just didn't go back far enough.?

BTW, I see posts on this forum with reference previous posts embedded as popup objects  all the time. How's that done. I used the quote below which is a lot less elegant.

On 10/23/2019 at 7:14 PM, scook said:

Check the exclude list by clicking "Show Excluded" while "VST3 Audio FX (VST3)"


If the plug-in is there, try a manual scan from preferences with "Rescan Failed Plug-ins," "Scan in Sandbox" and "Generate Scan Log" enabled. After scanning, disabled "Rescan Failed Plug-ins." If this does not fix the problem review the scan log. There should be some entries about the plug-in.

If the plug-in is not there, running a VST Reset from preferences with "Scan in Sandbox" and "Generate Scan Log" enabled. Depending on how many plug-ins are installed, the scan log may be huge but searching the log for the VST3 file name should narrow down the search for the appropriate entries.

An alternative to running a VST Reset is uninstall the plug-in, run a manual scan, re-install the plug-in then run a manual scan with "Scan in Sandbox" and "Generate Scan Log" enabled. This will generate a much smaller log because only the newly adding plug-ins get scanned.



Edited by Bill Phillips
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