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Get On Your Feet


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The irony here is that it's a song about dancing, and I am world class clumsiest dancer ever :)

It's a collaboration with a former bandmate, who is also busy perfecting self isolation these days, but still found the time to help me out with this one, online.

As always, please let me know if anything stands out regards the mixing balance or songwise.

Lyrically, just trying to reflect on those youthful days when everyone was "working for the weekend"


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You brought back some good memories for me from Long ago , hitting the dance club with my friends after a long hectic week. I used to love that voodoo like trance you could get into where there was nothing in the world happening except the music.  Enjoyed it ..  mark     P.S.  Some of the best musicians I've ever known , ones with Perfect timing , were also the worst dancers I've ever known..  

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15 hours ago, Douglas Kirby said:

I enjoyed the listen - it it catchy and has a good hook with the chorus.  To me, the song and mix sounded very 80's to me - nothing wrong with that.

Thanks for the listen Douglas . . .Ha!  well, we were thinking 90's, so missed it by 10 years

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9 hours ago, mark skinner said:

You brought back some good memories for me from Long ago , hitting the dance club with my friends after a long hectic week. I used to love that voodoo like trance you could get into where there was nothing in the world happening except the music.  Enjoyed it ..  mark     P.S.  Some of the best musicians I've ever known , ones with Perfect timing , were also the worst dancers I've ever known..  

Thank you Mark . . . I'm glad you can relate to those days of old, the closest I come to dancing these days is tapping my feet while playing. Thank you for listening and replying.

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On 9/7/2020 at 7:49 AM, Wookiee said:

Bouncy little number reminiscent of the 80's disco scene.  Mix works well here on the Adam's

Thanks for the listen  Wookiee . . .  as I said, we were aiming for the 90’s, perhaps off target a bit . . . sorry to be so Disco,, but glad  to hear the mix was OK on your system.

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