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Douglas Kirby

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Hi Everybody,

This is a track off of my just finished album "The Westerly Sessions Vol. II". Just to let you know, I sang the lead vocal with an AT4040 through an ART MPA Gold preamp. As always, any comment or critiques are welcome, and thanks for listening.

Here it is:


Here's the stripped-down acoustic version:


Edited by Douglas Kirby
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On 8/30/2020 at 7:57 PM, David Sprouse said:

Hey d Your version of blues is always so ez to listen to.   Have you ever just doing an instrumental blues album? btw are you british?

An instrumental blues album sounds like a good idea - I'm not sure if I can come up with enough material for such a project.  BTW, I'm good ole' USA,  but I do read the Economist?

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Well done Doug!  I listened to both versions and enjoyed both.  I am generally an old style Blues, R 'n R, rockabilly, jump Blues, etc. kind of guy.  Being such - electric is what I enjoy most.  However, I really like you acoustic version of this song.  It just seemed to fit the title, lyrics, melody, and instrumentation like a good pair of gloves.

Nice one indeed!

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15 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Doug, the song came across as bluesy to me (and with that title it should be  ?)  This one goes to the top 5 of your songs posted here. Well done.
Would be cool to hear you play some fingerpicking traditional blues if you're into that.

Hey Bjorn - I'm glad you liked it - thanks for listening.

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13 hours ago, freddy j said:

Well done Doug!  I listened to both versions and enjoyed both.  I am generally an old style Blues, R 'n R, rockabilly, jump Blues, etc. kind of guy.  Being such - electric is what I enjoy most.  However, I really like you acoustic version of this song.  It just seemed to fit the title, lyrics, melody, and instrumentation like a good pair of gloves.

Nice one indeed!

Hi Freddy - I was wondering if some would prefer the acoustic version - thanks for listening and for your comments.

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Thoughts as I listen on my Sony headphones...

  • Super rich bass!
  • "Could I have been a better man" - it sounded like you were trying for a vocal counterpoint to the drum beat, but it was a bit off in my ear
  • Just my personal preference, would like more support, more depth in the vocal. Again, just my preference. This works for this song.
  • Nice solo at 2:57 - rich sound. I'd maybe back it off a bit in the mix
  • Nice vocal doubling on the chorus

Good stuff.

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5 hours ago, Barry Seymour said:

Thoughts as I listen on my Sony headphones...

  • Super rich bass!
  • "Could I have been a better man" - it sounded like you were trying for a vocal counterpoint to the drum beat, but it was a bit off in my ear
  • Just my personal preference, would like more support, more depth in the vocal. Again, just my preference. This works for this song.
  • Nice solo at 2:57 - rich sound. I'd maybe back it off a bit in the mix
  • Nice vocal doubling on the chorus

Good stuff.

Thanks for the comments - I appreciate it.

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