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Caller, for CAL users!


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Edit:  Caller.Zip now contains the executable version of Caller(Caller.Exe) if you don't want to install AutoHotKey. A "Windows protected your PC" message may appear the first time you load Caller.Exe.

slowly, I come back making music just for fun. It would not happen without my utility tool Caller, which makes a huge step regarding time saving. I'm over sixties now and Caller will not evolve anymore from my side, but the source code (Caller.Ahk) is there, anybody may tailor the app for his own purpose.     

About Caller
    - Caller is an AutoHotKey GUI  interface which handles some powerful CAL scripts.
    - CAL is a scripting application language which allows to process Midi data events into Cakewalk.
    - AutoHotkey  is a free, open-source scripting language for Microsoft Windows.
    - Unzip Caller.Zip and move the content to C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\CAL Scripts.
    - Drag and drop Caller.Ahk or Caller.Exe onto your desktop.
    - Into Cakewalk, open the menu Edit > Preferences > Customization > Keyboard Shortcuts, bind Caller.Cal to Alt+Shift+C.

Download Caller sit it over your Taskbar and have fun!


Note and Time functions...



Edited by sergedaigno
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First of all, into Cakewalk, select a midi note and press Alt+Shift+C in order to make sure that Caller.Cal is binded to that keys. Also, check if the PPQ (Ticks per Quarter-Note) is set to 960 into Preferences > Project > Clock.

Maybe you could start with the Note Tab. Click on some blue Pitch item and see if the selected Midi note into Cakewalk is following accordingly to the pitch command :

   1079521123_Annotation2020-09-010853334.png.fe93225a954d70228e4f840868ea882b.png     1125200255_Annotation2020-09-010853325.png.8247743234c508928520d4591d1bba14.png     510939958_Annotation2020-09-010853335.png.9a0f6cd29925eab76984572b5ee5f784.png

About drawing cc's, if you follow the tutorial into the Help section, this is what you should get into the Piano Roll:

271238916_Annotation2020-09-010853328.png.5633f14b301aafb7ec72f787651ffe61.png       352893075_Annotation2020-09-010853329.png.0e7c9d430b60c5c300889d5391bf3f5f.png

Of course you can select and draw cc's to only one note:


You can also span the drawing (Draw: Span Notes) on all selected notes, even delete the second part and redraw that specific part:

1227232222_Annotation2020-09-010853333.png.552192118f3c49d09b478b99f3b82e0f.png      1641998117_Annotation2020-09-010853332.png.131e05daa96e38d4f76a9e8fa6ba3202.png

There are no explicit rules to follow, just experiment and find ways to enhance your workflow.

Hope that helps :)

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My installation path is not C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\CAL Scripts.

It is E:\DAW\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\CAL Scripts.

When I install your method, it seems abnormal after installation



When I press Alt+Shift+C, the pop-up window is different from the screenshot you took, and multiple parameter pop-up windows are displayed continuously

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