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Exported Recording Sounds Completely Different



I have just exported a voice recording (recorded on a Zoom R8) from Cakewalk with only a boost effect added. The recording sounds fine in Cakewalk. But the exported track sounds very bad. There is lots of noise, & the voice sounds like it has been badly EQd & has a small room reverb on it. It sounds nothing like this in Cakewalk, where it is crisp, clear & with minimal noise.

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  On 8/27/2020 at 12:43 AM, Justin P Brown said:

I have re-imported the exported stereo track into CW (is CbB another name for Cakewalk (CW)?) & it plays fine. I'm just trying to figure out why my CW tracks are affected when they are played through media players on my laptop. It's very odd.

Also, 32 bit is the default export setting so I used it originally. I tried the 16 & 24 settings on advice.


Yes, CbB is Cakewalk by Bandlab, no harm in using CW as well. 

In that case your export is fine. Something to cheer about. Hope you figure out whats wrong in your pc.

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  On 8/28/2020 at 7:29 AM, Justin P Brown said:

I'm using W7. Have made a default reset of system sound set up & checked everything.


Justin, did you ever figure out what was going on? I hope so.

I'm thinking of writing my first tutorial/cheat sheet for Cakewalk, on the topic of exporting audio. One of the hot topics is making sure that the DAW mix and the exported mix sound the same. Since system issues/settings is a possible source of trouble, and you've had the toughest time I've seen getting it sorted, please share.

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Hi Krupa, no, I've not been able to isolate the problem. I've tried all the suggestions provided through this post. I've kind of given up for the moment, as at least I am aware that the files play okay on someone else's laptop, and when re-imported to CW, which indicates that there is no issue with the file.

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Something that I've tripped up on in the past is having inadvertently written volume automation on to a track or bus. So the moment I hit Play (or export), the fader went from 0 to -6 and stayed there.

And I don't remember saying "VOID" either. ?

P.S. If you consider the issue solved, or once you consider it solved, please mark the topic as "answered" so that others may benefit from your experience (having figured out the Realtek sound settings issue).

Edited by Starship Krupa
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  On 9/18/2020 at 11:45 AM, Justin P Brown said:

Very strange. I put my solution here a long time ago. Indeed I believe Krupa 'liked' it with the trophy icon. It has though, disappeared.

Well, I discovered in the Realtek Sound Manager, that in the speaker settings there was a box ticked, labelled Headphone Virtualization. Once I unticked this box the echo was removed from playback.

(The VOID reply was because I couldn't figure out a way to delete that submitted reply, (which included your previous reply Krupa), which had appeared as a duplicate  submission; the original of which has since disappeared.)


It is still in the thread

The default sort order of the Q&A section is by likes NOT by date. The sort option is on the right just below the question post. At least that is where the option is located in the default PC browser theme.

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  On 9/18/2020 at 11:56 AM, scook said:

It is still in the thread

The default sort order of the Q&A section is by likes NOT by date. The sort option is on the right just below the question post. At least that is where the option is located in the default PC browser theme.


Thanks scook. How confusing!!! Well, it's there twice now. I haven't yet been able to figure out how to delete a post...

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