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Receiving multiple errors after BandLab & Windows 10 updates

Jeff Dimmick


I recently updated Windows 10 & Cakewalk by Bandlab and am now receiving multiple errors when I attempt to open and run Cakewalk by BandLab. 
The following database error occurs each time Cakewalk is opened:  "Database Error - Database connection failed. Assigned plugin categories and names will be unavailable"  

If Cakewalk by BandLab does finally open the metronome is missing all audio files.  
When attempting to open existing project files I'm receiving  multiple "fatal error" messages and then the program is forced to close.    1552905080_ScreenShot08-14-20at03_56PM.thumb.PNG.2d77b231c762ec83c0212dae8d47b161.PNG

Was hoping that a fresh install would fix these issues. I have uninstalled and reinstalled BandLab multiple times, but this has not fixed any of the errors either unfortunately. 
When I attempt to uninstall Cakewalk using BandLab nothing happens and  none of the Cakewalk files are removed.  I don't see Cakewalk listed separately in my Windows 10 "add or remove" program list. Only can locate and remove the BandLab Assistant app. 

Thanks in advance for the help!  

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To perform a clean re-install of Cakewalk follow these instruction


Be aware that step 9


Open the following directories and delete their contents: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk and C:\Program Files(x86)\Cakewalk


removes all the plug-ins installed in the default VST folder "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins"

This includes any third party plug-ins you may have installed there.


You will need to make adjustments to the documented process to conform to your custom install location.

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