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Feature Request: Bank Select by MSB, LSB


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This would be a relatively low priority, however, I find myself using the bank select quite often.The issue I have with it, for synths that do not report their patch/bank back to Cakewalk, is that I have to pull out a calculator every-time to multiply out the MSB by 128 and add the LSB, to get to the desired bank, from which to select the patch.

A simple idea (not necessarily simple to execute) would be if when in the bank select in edit by text (as shown in the first attached image), if a pop-up appeared that allowed entering the bank number by MSB  and LSB would make it soooo much simpler and less painful. For example, the number 272 below is MSB=2 LSB=16. I did a very quick mock-up to give an idea of how it may look more useful (attached image 2). Labels would probably help, but the mock-up is done.

Of course the feature request below would alleviate a lot of the need, but not completely.



bank select.png

bank select - Quickmockup.png

Edited by John Kalabric
  • Great Idea 2
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