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Saving problem


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This is what I got:

SYNSOPOS.exe       pid: 13112  type: File          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx              1D68: D:\Midi\Cakewalk\Sonar (CBB)\N_idea19-Test\N_idea19-Test.cwp

 This was not much of a surprise to me.  I began to notice recently this program, Synsopos, as a process under Cakewalk.exe:


Turns out it has to do with Steinberg's eLicenser copy protection software.  I use Steinberg's HALion Sonic 3 as the base VI for most of my music (basically replacing my old Roland SC-880 hardware).  If I don't use HS 3, Synsopos doesn't get activated and I can overwrite freely.

BUT -- I opened a copy of this same project in SPlat and Synsopos doesn't come up at all:


So I don't know what is going on or why Synsopos gets activated in CbB and not SPlat, but it seems the sharing violation is somehow related to Synsopos.  (I updated the eLicenser software to the latest version after this problem began, to no avail.  I also tried deactivating AVG and that didn't help, either.)


Hey, side issue: My SPlat doesn't have the Theme Editor in Preferences (probably I stopped my subscriptions before they added this to SPlat?) so I can't apply the Tungsten theme.  Anything I can do about that?

Edited by MagBass
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Don't you just love a mystery? I know I do. Lucky you, you're hot on the trail of one now.

This is looking to me like a bug in synsopos.exe. It's a child of cakewalk.exe because it was invoked by a Steinberg plugin that is also a child process of cakewalk.exe. As Noel says, the only people with the answer are going to be at Steinberg and/or Syncrosoft.

There's a good chance Syncrosoft already knows about this and may even have already fixed it. I'd check to see if there is a newer version of eLicenser available. There may be a link at the Steinberg site.


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I've got the latest eLicenser software installed.  Steinberg assumes the problem is with Cakewalk or my system so far, though I agree with you that it looks like something on their end.  I've sent all the info and correspondence to Noel; we'll see what happens from there.

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Just a thought...are you maybe running SONAR as Administrator but not Cakewalk? I've never heard of such a scenario, but I suppose it's conceivable that Windows permissions could be playing a part in preventing the file from being closed.

More mysterious is why it's opening the project file to begin with. Every DAW has its own proprietary and undocumented file format, making it unlikely to be useful to any software other than cakewalk.exe itself. I'll be very interested in what Noel finds out from Steinberg, if indeed they are forthcoming at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

all of a  sudden   I keep getting file sharing violation appearing in  sonar. started 3 weeks ago...have been using sonar for around 15 years never had this appear in the past

had Bandlab done something  to the installation. as they control sonar now ? ..normally any changes  made on a project  should  bring up overwrite save changes yes/no

option....now it does no.........instead you have to rename the file in order to save  your  changes. then it will only save a couple of times if youre lucky.

Anyone have  any info on this ?


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On 8/13/2020 at 3:12 AM, MagBass said:

I'm updating some old pieces with software resources (I no longer use any hardware synths).  I open a project in its original folder, say in Sonar 7, work on it, and then do a Save As, move to the CbB folder and save it there.  Either I do more work or leave and come back to it later and make more changes.  I click on Save and get the following:


The only thing I can do at this point is save under a slightly different name.  Does anyone have any idea what the sharing violation is or how to find it?

Hi mate, I'm getting the same issue..having to save  with a different  name ..as other people are getting this issue ..it looks like BandLab have done something to our install I know its not my computer..as I've got a clean install ....so it looks like its Bandlab...i know they don't like people using the  the old Cakewalk  install files they do try and get old customers to change to their  free version, but  I see why they should attempt to force customers to change to Bandlab.  its not right at all.  The new owners have owned Cakewalk for a number of years now but have not done anything to bring out upgrades or newer version of the successful. Sonar . I'm using X3 producer.

I will check my account to see if  the account is still up  and running containing my purchases from cakewalk together with all codes 

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further to my last post. i notice  other people have  the simlar issue with Steinberg. ..... I also have  issues with  some of Steinberg products and elicenser   as i use some of

Steinberg products in Sonar..I also have to keep updating the eLicenser I already have the latest eLicenser but it makes no difference ...

anyone  have any idea's ????

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If you keep having to update eLicenser, that suggests something has changed on your machine there (or eLicenser itself has changed, which is why SONAR and CbB are both affected).  Now it's also possible that Cakewalk (in both CbB and SONAR) do something that is not quite "on-spec" which causes this problem for you, but that's a different issue (and hard to pin down, especially for users).

Worth trying in another DAW if you have one (or download a demo to check).

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  • 2 weeks later...

The OP is still working with Steinberg on this issue. It's something to do with the elicenser copy protection that causes it to lock the project file the moment you open it, thereby preventing the file from being saved.

I have looked into it in our side and given Steinberg  information about our process. The issue cannot be reproduced by anyone at Cakewalk or Steinberg which makes it harder for them to solve.

Please contact Steinberg support if you are encountering this issue

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I bet you it's a dotNet3.5 issue.

Most plugins was developed with this pack at the time of it's release with Windows. Go to Microsoft and update your dotNet3.5 (be sure to search for the latest update on the "dotNet3.5") cumulative pack. Sonar 7 was running this update back then under 32bit. So what ever was saved for sharing purposes still used dotNet3.5.

Try step 2 and 4 in the link down below. If your issue disappears  -  inform CbB and Steinberg so that they can contact Microsoft for future release in all parties. 


Best Solution: Download the "All-in-one Runtimes" pack here:


Edited by Will_Kaydo
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  • 2 weeks later...

I faced this problem too. I have Win 10 with the latest updates, Cakewalk version 2020.09.
This problem occurs in all projects using plugins protected by eLicenser.
Installing eLicenser Control Center update and eLicenser Control Center update did not resolve the issue.
For some reason, eLicenser starts the second process (this can be seen in the Task Manager), if you force it to close, then you can save the project without problems.
But I solved this problem by installing an earlier version of eLicenser Control Center
Looking forward to future eLicenser updates.

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This is why I avoid this kind of software protection. From an engineering standpoint, it's a textbook case of how NOT to create software. You're implementing a single point of failure - on purpose. Such software is literally designed to NOT do anything useful BY DEFAULT unless a specific set of deliberately obfuscated criteria are met. Imagine if other types of software worked that way, such as the code running under the hood of your car. Consumers wouldn't stand for it.

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