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AC DarkAqua 6.01 for 2021.04

Adam Compeau

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5.0!  So  Very Many More Corrections and Clean ups!!!   Even the Pro  Channel Preset Buttons were broken...

Colored many more things...there are a  few minor things still left for the future.

NEW Pan Knobs  of  my liking - I will probably update the fader knobs soon too and another thing or two.

...again Starship Krupa pointed out a few things to correct as well...


AC Dark Aqua 5.0.png

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  • Adam Compeau changed the title to AC Dark Aqua 5.1 with New Knobs for 2020.04

Wow, this is getting very nice indeed! You leave me no choice Adam, I'll have to install it and try it out later today. ?

Some people like flat looking controls, which is fine, but I'm on the opposite side of the scale and enjoy 3D eye candy interfaces. The more 'equipment' like it looks, the more I love it.

This is excellent work! Can't wait to see what you'll do with the faders....

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  • Adam Compeau changed the title to AC DA 5.2 with New Knobs and Faders for 2020.04

Nice!   I'm really liking the new knob design and fader widget depth.     One suggestion - add the heavier/brighter centered line weight to the Pan knobs so they match the Gain knobs.    Nit-picking at this point, which is a positive.   ?

Edited by SteveC
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I can make that available.  As a matter of fact, I might make a few different Pan knobs available for people.

Personally...  EDIT:  The follwing    is wordy and not exactly to the point!  Lol

I like Pan to be somewhat different than other knobs because the middle is an idle position unlike other knobs.

I consider leaving it totally blank at center (then it is kind of hard to see), with a 0 and center which sometimes looks OK and of course I've used the pointer.

With numbers and the outer glow, the pointer gives a 3rd indicator which can be fine, but I try to avoid.  ?

Also, with the Cakewalk Inspector open, sometimes you have a Pan and a Gain next to one another and I like to quickly be able to tell the difference.


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I think I might have misunderstood you    suggestion anyway...funny how we can read into things...

Maybe you just wanted it thicker (like you said)...In re-reading, I don't think you are wanting a different knob, just a better matching center line?  Lol  

I made the current pan center line with just the | from the keyboard... and I  am working on some other options here...hmmm?

I think the letter I is going to look thicker...

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Because of the numbers in the middle, the best compromise I can  find is using 0, which is super logical anyway...The pointer interferes with the numbers.

I tried an I and it just looked like a 1.  Of course, I could paint  line at center I suppose, but....

Of course, with no numbers, it could be a closer match to the gain, but I the big numbers are very helpful to my eyes! ?️

Do you like this look?

AD DA Pan 0 big.png

AC DA Pan 0.png

Edited by Adam Compeau
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Hey, I found a way just to copy and paste only the center gain knob part without rebuilding the pan knob entirely!

So, how does that look?   Most people might like that better...I try to be creative and logical all at the same time! Lol

AC DA Pan Line.png

AC DA Pan Line big.png

Edited by Adam Compeau
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2 hours ago, SteveC said:

I completely understand - personal preference is, well, a personal thing.    ?

Looks great either way!

Personally, I may use the 0 for me.  I can make the single pointer  line with numbers for you and others, or even just make it with no numbers and just the pointer all the way around like the gain.  ..numbers do no fit in there with the pointer.   What do you think, or do you want all 3? ?

Ps.  I might actually personally still stay with the subtle line...I like the pan to look asleep until I  use it..Anyway, thankfully, things are flexible..

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