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Duke RIP


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I just broke down and cried watching "Yo Yo" my 14 yr. old red nose pit trying to make his way back inside.  Another visit to the vet Friday. I think the hardest part for me has been when to do the right thing . I know it's coming soon .. This post has really helped me to prepare for this and I definitely feel for you and know what your feeling.   thanks for sharing  ..   mark 

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On 8/14/2020 at 5:57 PM, ensconced said:

The hardest x 2. At least he is not suffering now.

You got to take care of yourself now, 1 day at a time.

I'm tearing up now, I will be thinking of you Kenny.

All the best

Yes ensconced ! it took me a few days to realize I set him free ...no more suffering and pain for him ...me I got a lump in my throat . It starts at the very tip of my head and go's all the way down to the tip  of my toes . Thank you for the kind thoughts

On 8/14/2020 at 5:59 PM, Mesh said:

So sorry to hear that Kenny.....we're here for you brother. 

Hi Mesh , thank you for being here ..


On 8/14/2020 at 6:09 PM, SteveStrummerUK said:

Sorry to hear that Ken.

Thank you Steve ! much appreciated  

all the best ,


PS I'm posting these 3 real fast because they are on a different page from the bulk posts ...I don't want to take the chance of loosing posts when I have to quote from page 2 ..

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On 8/14/2020 at 6:31 PM, S.L.I.P. said:

From you pics I felt that I knew him a little. Sorry.

Hi S.L.I.P. ! thanks ...he made his way into some of the pics you posted that i nicked and  changed around ...Hey all the girls in your pics got their butts  sniffed  by him :P

If i was lucky i got sloppy seconds ...take care ...

On 8/14/2020 at 6:48 PM, emeraldsoul said:

Sounds absolutely beautiful, the way you handled it. Well done.

emeraldsoul ! I look back on that day and I go wow I was able to intuitively handle the situation  in such a way  as to  give Duke the chance to go out on a high note ....

Duke liked the vet and his assistants a lot . He acted as if we were at a party in his honor ...I was amazed at his attitude , he was friendly and he did not resist anything that was happening in the room . As he absorbed the second shot ... he came nearer to me and placed his head in my right hand and fell asleep ...

thanks for the kind word ...

I have to go now ...the plumber turned back on my water...



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On 8/14/2020 at 6:52 PM, Craig Fowler said:

So sorry; a   good dog is a special thing. A great dog is life changing.

Yes I agree with you . Thank you Craig  !


On 8/14/2020 at 7:47 PM, 57Gregy said:

So sorry to hear that, Kenny.

Gregy ! thank your for sharing your empathy w me  .

On 8/14/2020 at 10:33 PM, craigb said:

Oh man...  You know it's going to happen, but you still keep hoping for it to be down the road a bit.

I feel like I did when we lost a couple of the actual forum members here - Duke was one of the gang!

I really like the send off you gave him Kenny!  He moved on knowing how much he was appreciated (and dogs DO sense all that).

RIP Duke!

Hi Craig ! Man what I would give to have another day with Duke ...Yet I know in my heart he moved on and his Spirit  is now free.

Thanks for the kind thoughts and words .

On 8/15/2020 at 2:46 AM, paulo said:

Well that sucks. Furry little buggers do get right under your skin, don't they? 

If I may offer a positive.........at least you're now the best looking one in the house.?

Oh Yeah he got under my skin by working his way deep in to emotional places of Joy and Happiness I didn't even know I had ...

On the flip side of the coin   , he was rather stubborn ...he brought me into the championship rounds of our relationship .

Our situation was full spectrum ...

thank you for the kind word ...I'm still fugly   ....somethings just don't change  ...

As we used to say " the drunker you get , the better we look , and the better we sound " 

On 8/15/2020 at 3:00 AM, JohnG said:

So sorry to hear that Kenny,

It takes me back to July last year when we had to have our cat, named Tigger, put to sleep.

He was 21 but had been with us for 13 years. At least I could hold him in my arms as they administered the injection.

The main thing, I find, is to remember all the good times together and the happiness he gave you and you him.

You did the right thing and ended his life on a high note.

RIP Duke.

Hi JohnG ,

Thank you for sharing your story about Trigger . ...Wow 21 years old  .....impressive . It was good that you got to hold him while he drifted off to sleep .

I'm at a point now where I can look at some of the good times we had and not get all choked up ...

Last night I took our typical  walk through the neighborhood  and when   I got back to my place I sat in our spot and watched the sun go down ....Watching the sun go down was part of a routine we had done  just about every day  ... I felt so much better doing that because yesterday I was hurting and I didn't watch The Sunset .

thank you for sharing .

On 8/15/2020 at 4:10 AM, synkrotron said:

So sorry to hear your sad news, Ken.

synkrotron !

There is a part inside inside of me (surfacing) that feels OK about this whole experience and process . I can't even try to describe the fact that my mind is trying to understand something it is not able to understand ...life , death , the bond of love ....Yet , I have noticed at times in between the emotional water works ,  I have been feeling a sense of relief   concerning the idea that my dog is no longer suffering ...there is Peace in my Heart when I go there .

Thank you for posting your message .

I hope to be back in a few hours ,




Edited by kennywtelejazz
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On 8/15/2020 at 5:19 AM, Michael Fogarty said:

I remember your name from about  20 years ago - before Sonar and Gibson and Roland and now Cakelab. I have never been part of the coffee house. Thought I would take a look, and bam -saw this. I am so sorry for your loss,. It is now 2 weeks to the hour my big guy Sonny flew away. I say that as they are like angels. What peace he brought me. I sometimes still look for it. I sincerely pray for your heart. You did the right thing - you loved him until the end - and more. Celebrating instead of mourning is of course the key - I do pretty good much of the time. A lifelong friend from Tennessee where I grew up lost his dog a few weeks before mine. There are no words, but thank you for yours. I didn't want to get started on this, but you touched my heart. If you are interested in my and Sonny's story someday, hit me up. Not to wax heavy here, but this was the quote of the day (I have a few of those) the morning after. The writer had lost someone dear.

“There are moments, most unexpectedly, when something inside me tries to assure me that I don't really mind so much, not so very much, after all. Love is not the whole of a man's life. I was happy before I ever met D... I've plenty of what are called 'resources'. People get over these things. Come, I shan't do so badly. One is ashamed to listen to this voice, but it seems for a little to be making out a good case. Then comes a sudden jab of red-hot memory and all this 'commonsense' vanishes like an ant in the furnace.”

____from A Grief Observed C.S. Lewis

Love you man

Hi Michael , I remember you ...you are Michael Japan right ?  back then IIRC  your avatar was a golden retriever ...

Sure we used to talk every once in a while ...I was a beginner and you helped me out along the way 

Yeah , you Chaz , Ed MC....Sonic , Jeff M. and "M", were some of the regulars posting good music .

Sorry about your loss of Sonny ...if you want to talk about him here by all means you are welcome to .

Whew the grief  and all that goes along with it sure is a tough one to swallow when I have a lump in y throat , thankfully  celebrating is starting to come around as a welcome emotion .

thanks for sharing the Love

On 8/15/2020 at 6:05 AM, Notes_Norton said:


Time will heal the pain. Remember the good times.

Yes how very true Bob ! thank you for reminding me of what I have to look forward too once I can get through some of these sucky mood swings of grief I'm having ..

On 8/15/2020 at 6:15 AM, Leadfoot said:

I'm very sorry Kenny. I've been there. Just a few years ago. There's no advice anyone can really give at a time like this. I'm just very sorry. 

Hi Leadfoot ,

I agree with you  "There's no advice anyone can really give at a time like this" . Sorry about your loss a few years ago .

FWIW, I can't even trust my mind right now because it is so far up it's own  AZZ looking for answers on subjects the mind can't even comprehend ...

My fricking mind ..it just want's a quick answer so it can tidy up all my stray feelings about my dog Duke VIA Compartmentalization ...

I want to feel my feelings and release them naturally.... so shut mind lol

thanks for rapping w me


On 8/15/2020 at 7:23 AM, bitflipper said:

It might not help much, but if sympathy counts for anything know that many of us know exactly how you're feeling because we've been there ourselves. I love dogs, but I've not been able to bring myself to get any kind of pet since the last time I went through that agony 18 years ago. It was that traumatic.

Maybe your next pet should be a tortoise. Granted, they're not nearly as much fun as a dog, or even a self-absorbed cat. But at least a tortoise will likely outlive you.

Hi Dave ,

Thanks for having a kind thought and word to say ...

Yes it can be a real heart break loosing a pet  , I'm sorry for your loss being that traumatic. I do understand it and I have gone a while w out a pet a few times in the past .

I have no idea what I'm gonna do ...Duke was my whole family ....

Its funny you bring up a tortoise ..

Recently I saw a few pics of Sylvester Stallone showing off his 2 turtles that he had in Rocky ..he still has them and they are starting to get pretty big ...lol judging by the looks of them they might out live us all lol.


thanks for sharing



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I had hoped to be able to have come back here and replied  one on one to all your thoughtful kind posts .

After a little over a week after having put  Duke to sleep , it's still an emotional roller coaster over here for me .

I thought I was on firm footing as far as my sadness and  grief went ..The past couple of days have shown me other wise . I miss my best friend ..

I need to give time time .

Thank you all for posting ..



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Yes, Kenny, you need to take what ever time you need... And it may take some time.

Some of us "heal" quicker than others... My wife still cannot talk about our Molly who we lost three years ago now. We have pictures around the house, but discussion of times gone by is still too upsetting for her.

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