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Quick/Easy way to distribute take lanes to individual tracks?


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I'm not sure if there is a dedicated process for that. Personally, I would duplicate the track, enter the number of repetitions equal to the number of take lanes, then manually delete appropriate take lanes until each track has one unique take lane.  This is probably what you already do,  since it can be tedious, depending on how many take lanes you're dealing with.  It would be nice to have one process like 'Convert Takes to Tracks'.  Cheers

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11 hours ago, tonemangler said:

  It would be nice to have one process like 'Convert Takes to Tracks'. 

Yes that would be very nice.  Even for a small number of take lanes the process is a pain.
Tried copying & pasting take lanes and it doesn't work.
Aside for duping the track & removing unwanted takes you can individually shift-click & drag each track lane to an empty area below that last track and it will move that track lane into a newly created audio track. So you'll want your track to be the last one to avoid dragging over multiple tracks and then practice a bit to get the feel for it so you don't screw things up and accidentally lose a take here & there like I did the first time I tried.


Edited by TheSteven
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I know a lot of folks like Take Lanes, but I have also seen many threads here asking how to use and manipulate them.
I prefer the old way, record takes on different tracks, then each take is ready to be routed to whatever bus you want, add different effects if desired, and you can still cut the track into pieces and drag the clips you want into a single coherent track. 
I think the reason behind Take Lanes is to reduce the amount of real estate used by multiple tracks.

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13 hours ago, TheSteven said:

you can individually shift-click & drag each track lane to an empty area below that last track and it will move that track lane into a newly created audio track.

I didn't know a new audio track would be created, that's pretty cool.  I tried your method and it works great, however, if you want the newly created audio tracks to retain the original's track properties perhaps duplicating, without events, the required number and then Shift-Click and Drag would be more efficient? Alternatively, if identical track properties are not needed, and to eliminate the need for moving your track to the bottom, you could Right Click-A on an adjacent track and then Shift-Click Drag. Repeat as necessary. All ways work well, proving that there are many ways to skin that poor cat.

1 hour ago, 57Gregy said:

I think the reason behind Take Lanes is to reduce the amount of real estate used by multiple tracks.

For me this is definitely the case, my projects get pretty big and have to use folders to keep them manageable. Theoretically, Take Lanes are designed for alternate takes of the same performance so there would be no need to have them on separate tracks with different routings and effects. They are designed for comping to one performance. Of course many times a take can vary so much from the original intent that it becomes a new part and so then your method of recording to different tracks makes more sense.  Back in the Sonar 8 days they were called Track Layers and they behaved like regular tracks when it came to editing, which at times I prefer. With Take Lanes in CbB many times I find myself switching between the Smart Tool and the Edit Tool in order to mimic the behaviour of the Track Layers from Sonar 8. There should be an option for the Smart Tool to behave the same on a Take Lane as on an Audio Track. Cheers.

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5 hours ago, 57Gregy said:

I think the reason behind Take Lanes is to reduce the amount of real estate used by multiple tracks.

For me it's a brain storming tool.
Just loop a section and experiment with trying different vocals, guitar parts, etc..
If there was a way (didn't there use to be way back when?) where you could create consecutive multiple tracks with previous take being muted I'd use that instead of the current implementation of take lanes.
For something like nailing a given part be it a solo or vocal part take lanes are great but for other things not so much.
The ideal set up would be take lanes with an option to scatter or distribute the lanes to new separate tracks maybe even an option to put them in a new folder; leaving the existing track as is - always easy enough to delete it later.

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2 hours ago, TheSteven said:

If there was a way (didn't there use to be way back when?) where you could create consecutive multiple tracks with previous take being muted I'd use that instead of the current implementation of take lanes.

I do remember that being the normal behaviour when loop recording in Sonar 8. In CbB you can achieve something similar by setting your record options (left click and hold Record button in Control Bar) to 'Overwrite' and 'Takes Create New Lane'.  After loop recording all take clips are muted except for the last. This method doesn't mute the Take Lanes but the clips themselves. You probably know that you can also set loop recording to create separate tracks instead of take lanes by right clicking the Record button in the Control bar and selecting 'Store Takes in Separate Tracks'. This however doesn't mute previous takes. 

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6 hours ago, tonemangler said:

With Take Lanes in CbB many times I find myself switching between the Smart Tool and the Edit Tool in order to mimic the behaviour of the Track Layers from Sonar 8.

I just discovered a solution for this, funnily enough, in the new User Guide 


This will definitely improve my workflow! Good Job Bakers!

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In the future.. I believe (but not sure) in preferences you can change the setting to have each take put in a separate track vs the same track in lanes. See "Store takes in separate tracks"

For previously recorded content, i believe shift drag to a new track maybe the only solution.


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That worked for me, thanks Bartosz! Always good to reply to a thread when you have a good response regardless of how old the thread is, someone will always find it useful and that is behaviour to encourage.

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