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"All DAW's sound alike" and other wisdom of the Internet

Starship Krupa

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OB "I hope they null each other."

Maybe that'll be a new catchphrase for me.

C'mon, that thing is the Jackalope of flying insects.

I tell ya, humans moving cargo around is sure handy for invasive organisms. I live next to San Francisco Bay, and there's so much stuff that's carried in bilgewater. You have to be careful about wading at the beach where I live because sometimes slimy snail snot will float on to you and cause a rash. Not harmful, just a little red and itchy, but those snails got here in bilgewater.

But hey, guitar parts get here super quickly from China, 'cause I'm a stone's throw from the Port of Oakland. "Out For Delivery"

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12 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

OB "I hope they null each other."

Maybe that'll be a new catchphrase for me.

C'mon, that thing is the Jackalope of flying insects.

I tell ya, humans moving cargo around is sure handy for invasive organisms. I live next to San Francisco Bay, and there's so much stuff that's carried in bilgewater. You have to be careful about wading at the beach where I live because sometimes slimy snail snot will float on to you and cause a rash. Not harmful, just a little red and itchy, but those snails got here in bilgewater.

But hey, guitar parts get here super quickly from China, 'cause I'm a stone's throw from the Port of Oakland. "Out For Delivery"

Ewwwwwwww. Snail snot? At least with downloadable software we don't have those kinds of issues.  Anything from China I would check and disinfect immediately. I even disinfected masks I bought from there. 

Probably a very valid argument for  not taking any of that furniture beside the road with a free sign on it too. 

...............so if you think maybe DAWs sound slightly different, do you have a preference?

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21 hours ago, craigb said:

"He died peacefully in his sleep."

The preferred line I want in my obituary (as long as it's accurate!).

I'm holding out for a meteorite. Won't see it coming and it'll be over before I know what hit me.

BTW, "peacefully in his sleep" usually means the fellow died from a morphine overdose. True fact.

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53 minutes ago, Starise said:

Whatever it is it's alive it flies and it's scary as s**t.

I wouldn't want it on me. I'll swat first and think about terminology later.

Taxonomy.  It's not a wasp at all. You'll be fine unless you're a spider, in which case it might try and lay its eggs on your eggs.

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10 hours ago, Starise said:

so if you think maybe DAWs sound slightly different, do you have a preference?

Sure. The big reason that I have such an interest in this. After a few years of Mixcraft, when BandLab announced the free subscription license model, I was about ready to "graduate" to a DAW with a larger feature set. I downloaded a copy of the first rev of CbB/last rev. of SONAR and imported raw stems from a session I had tracked in Mixcraft, with the idea that I would see how good a mix I could come up with using mostly the supplied plug-ins.

After I got all the tracks set up and hit Play to start mixing, the difference was apparent immediately, it was like the difference between high thread count cotton sheets and no-iron blend. It made it easier to sit and mix.

And incidentally, it took me only a matter of hours to surpass the mix that had taken me days in Mixcraft. Mixcraft 8 still had what I refer to as the Fisher-Price mixer, pretty much useless for anything but setting up routing, IMO. CbB's Console View is my instrument when it comes to mixing. I wound up using the ProChannel FX pretty heavily on that first project.

But yeah, immediately audible difference, and one in favor of CbB. And it helped me  give CbB a chance despite the problems that first version/last version displayed on my system. Crashing, locking up, audio engine stopping all the time, screen artifacts. But I had a hunch that once they didn't have to chase license fees, things would change very much for the better, and I was right. People on this forum and the other one told me I was being overly optimistic, but everything I said came true and more. This is one case where I don't hate to say I told you so, and I don't think anyone will begrudge me that.?

Except for the tighter integration with the other BandLab DAW's. That seems to be back-burnered in favor of working on basic functionality on Cakewalk itself, which I don't think anyone who's CWAF! minds.?

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Interesting. I might have bumped into you as I went to the Mixcraft forum for a short time but eventually pulled away and now only visit occasionally. It was a novelty for awhile. The update to version 9 has them on the right track. I think the days of the "fisher price" mixer are  long gone. Can't beat it for quick projects using windows based video. The performance pane is an interesting concept.  Can't really fault that DAW. Haven't used it enough to determine long term stability. If I were making music for picture on a deadline It might make me nervous, though someone has made videos on how to set it up as a template for larger productions, but yeah, working in CbB is much easier for me as well admittedly because I know it far better.

Lots of people really came out of the woodwork for various reasons to attack Cakewalk during those last days....we kept hearing bugs bugs bugs. To this day there are those who are convinced it's still buggy software and won't use it. Some of them had legitimate complaints. Some were merely trolling or coming as spys from other DAW makers to "stir the pot". Some didn't know what they were doing and didn't have things set up correctly. During that entire time I never had any major issues with the software on an average computer build using an average interface. I'm not living in denial. I know there were some bugs. Not deal breakers to me. To others they were unforgivable and they let everyone know about their experiences. All software has bugs. I suppose it's only important if they happen to be interfering with your work. Never happened to me. As you say, there have been many improvements which continue to happen with regularity in addition to additional features and improved existing features. It's a lot of work. The CbB team deserve a lot of credit. It's only getting better. 

When the new aero workflow was introduced some people didn't like it. I happen to think it's one of the best features of the program.

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