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Surge Synth 1.7.x Released (free)


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Quite a few random audio dropouts for no apparent reason when using exclusively this in a new project today. Several instances, but each one frozen before inserting the next one, so effectively a few audio tracks plus one open instance of the synth each time. Not sure what to make of that right now, but everything else works as it normally does, so..............?

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Same here. Some dropouts on some of the designer presets, for no readily apparent reason.

Price is nice, and it looks versatile and powerful, but overall not very impressed with it, compared to recent near-free purchases (Babylon and Hybrid). Haven't run into a preset that's really wowed me so far.

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14 hours ago, John Bradley said:

Same here. Some dropouts on some of the designer presets, for no readily apparent reason.

Now that you mention it, I was probably delving around that section somewhere when it started, so I guess there's something different about those presets.


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Jacky Ligon/Keys/Afterglow
Jacky Ligon/Keys/Harmonicscape

To be fair, 'Afterglow' was the very first preset I loaded, which left a negative impression. I've since gone through most of the presets in the main 'Polysynths' category and didn't have any problems, so it's probably 'just one of those things', rather than a major issue.

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2 hours ago, John Bradley said:

Jacky Ligon/Keys/Afterglow
Jacky Ligon/Keys/Harmonicscape

To be fair, 'Afterglow' was the very first preset I loaded, which left a negative impression. I've since gone through most of the presets in the main 'Polysynths' category and didn't have any problems, so it's probably 'just one of those things', rather than a major issue.

OK, I took a look at those two presets, and didn't see any unusual system demands with either one. No dropouts here. Running a 3rd gen Intel Core i3 desktop on Windows 10 with  SSDs for system and content drives. Firewire ASIO for audio output

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5 hours ago, paulo said:

Jacky Ligon presets are causing dropouts for me too, but CPU usage is indicated as really quite low if anything. Weird.

I found a few other Ligon presets that did break up after I leaned into some heavy handed polyphonic  chords. But then I am running a CPU released in 2012. ?

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So new? I run an i7-960 which was apparently released in 2009. Though I think I built the system in 2011.

I just think it's weird that I can get glitchiness with some of the (heavier?) presets in this synth even though the cpu meters in Cakewalk (and Task Manager) are barely registering any load whatsoever.

'S all good, though. There's an easy and obvious solution to all "it hurts when I do this!" complaints. ?

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40 minutes ago, John Bradley said:

I just think it's weird that I can get glitchiness with some of the (heavier?) presets in this synth even though the cpu meters in Cakewalk (and Task Manager) are barely registering any load whatsoever.

Set your view in Task Manager to show a separate  graph for all cores/threads.

Whenever I encounter breakups in the audio, it's usually when the load on the first core/thread is running high, while the others are still idling. I think this is normal as the VSTi is most likely single threaded...

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Good news: Surge v.1.7.1 seems to have solved the AntiVirus issue.  (v. 1.7.0 still shows 5 flags at TotalVirus; 1.7.1 only shows 1 which doesn't affect my PC).

Like others, I had noise [crackle] and then the dreaded audio drop with some of the Jacky Ligon patches--even after upping my audio card's ASIO buffer 3 fold!!!!!   As noted above, it did not seem to be related to extreme CPU usage.


Anyone know where strings are hidden?

EDIT: With the new version, Surge continues to function as an FX processor--a little like Z3ta+ FX, though so far as I can see, there is no midi learn for Surge FX controls). 


Edited by User 905133
to add some comments about Surge FX
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Actually, what am I saying? The system using the ten year old i7-960 is my actual studio computer, where I do my work (such as it is).

I was running into dropouts on the 'Afterglow' preset using the much newer throwdown system I built in November 2019, running an i5-9400F, which should be somewhat quicker. Certainly the rest of the system (memory, video, etc.) is considerably faster. (And yes, it has a real audio interface (Scarlett Solo) in ASIO mode.)

Can replicate with a single track CW project playing a simple single-voice melody on auto repeat. No significant load (hovering around 20-30%) on any of the 6 cores. Can't even tell if CW thinks there are audio dropouts occurring, because there's no measurable activity on the in-CW thread/core meter to hover over.

Upped the polyphony from 8 to 29, just in case it an example of very unpleasant note-stealing. That didn't help either.

But really, it's not that important. It's a single preset in a free synth I probably won't ever actually use, what with all the others I've installed and forgotten about. As noted, the many other non-Jacky Ligon presets I tried out behaved perfectly well.

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1 hour ago, scook said:

May want to update the OP and subject since v1.7.1 is out

The SurgeEffectsBank now scans OK in CbB


I changed the subject to 1.7.x, as they update it so frequently. The  current version is always available  by following the link in the OP .

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