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Melda 31

Larry Shelby

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Melda FXs flagged as "unique" are often the ones to check the teasers on (they either don't fit into a generic category, or go above and beyond traditional FX of that type). MCharacter continues to be one of my most-used FX simply because harmonic content is often the defining component of an instrument and you cannot manipulate 3rds and 5ths of baked/recorded monophonic material real time with any other FX that I am aware of (even after the fact, many are clunky). Plus MCharacter is one of the cheesiest ways to make "ho hum" samples usable, so reduces the "need" for multiple libraries of the same instrument.

I totally forgot MSpectralDynamics has a capture/reduce noise print feature... another feature I use way often. I just prefer to record quickly and do destructive noise reduction after the fact... saves on expensive treatments that tend to need noise reduction anyway. I have just never used Melda for the noise reduction part (doh!).

Melda really needs to do a marketing push on their Multiparameters... you see those in action in many teasers (the dynamic shifting of the plugin), but there is no visibility to the person watching as to what is going on (or how it is done). Probably the most powerful underlying feature of (almost) every Melda plugin, but rarely talked about ?.

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