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Our Humanity

freddy j

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This song was started before my trusty computer crashed and died.  Fortunately, I had saved it on an external drive.  It was intended to be a Blues song; however, in the transition from old to new computer, and after working on it for a while it morphed.  It is a mess now --- maybe, a kind of funky, jazz, bluesabilly song???  Anyway, whatever it is now, it is a bit out of my comfort zone and control.  Therefore, I would be very grateful for feedback and comments.

Many thanks.





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Probably your best yet in my opinion. Great mix, particularly the panning choices. Every instrument was in its own lane.  Lyrics are great and delivered well. More little drum fills might be a plus - ocassionally the drums sound a bit over compressed? Do you have a "Drum bus" that is slamming both the toms AND the cymbals the same amount? I dunno.

This is a very relatable tune. Nice job!



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I sure do love the way you play guitar.  The chorus is very inspiring, the dissonance, that is what I like.

And your lyriccs are always very deep.

the horns, a tasty addition, very cool indeed, what did you use for the horns.

tolerance love and compromise, what's so wrong with that.

So Freddy, and anyone else, I have a question.....Is the phrase "Man's inhumanity to Man,"  an oxymoron?


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Hi, Freddy,

Another really cool, and as our buddy, Lynn said, timely blues rocker with clever lyrics, great guitar work and excellent vocals!?

You did a fantastic job on the mix, Freddy, and as our friend, Jesse mentioned, I also really liked how the horns added a bit of a cool Vintage Motown feel to the overall production.?

Great stuff, Freddy, have a good weekend, buddy!

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Hi Lynn.  Thanks very much for your input -- it is very much appreciated.  It has been a long time since I got out to listen to live music in a nice intimate venue or any venue for that matter.  I better get out before I forget what it is supposed to sound like.  Thanks again!

Hi Tom.  You really have some great ears!  I went back and listened and you were absoflippinlutely right.  I used the Waves L1 + Ultramaximizer on the drums (primarily with the intent of increasing the sound) but I over compensated.  Thanks for pointing that out.  In fact, thanks for all of your insight.  Although I got off track on this one, it is nice to know that I didn't get too far off track.

Hey Jesse.  Peace, love, and understanding.  It is an old phrase but it is still relevant.  Thanks a lot for taking the time to listen.  I appreciate the kind words.  I didn't use any thing fancy for the horns  --- just the Cakewalk TTS-1 (Alto and Baritone Saxophones).  Hummm, an oxymoron --- it certainly seems like it to me. 

Hey Bob.  Thanks very much for the comments!  They are much appreciated.  I do struggle with MIDI, so I'm glad that the horns worked out.  Thanks again pal.


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You think like me politically.  Your thoughts on the situations are pretty much like mine so you must be among the gradually declining class of people who still have some common sense and decency.   And I did enjoy the Motown style horns.

?John B.

"Can't we all just get along"?  -Rodney King

Edited by Johnbee58
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Hi Paul.  Thanks for listening and for your kind comments.  I used the good old  Cakewalk TTS-1 for the MIDI.  I do struggle with MIDI so I am glad that the horns turned out OK.

Hey John.  I appreciate your taking the time to comment.  I appreciate what you are saying.  As I have matured, I've come to the realization that life is to doggone short to be full of hate and spend all of your time being angry.  This also brings to mind another old saying: "Aging is a heck of a price to pay for maturity"  --- there is some truth to that also.  I have used that quote from the "street philosopher" Rodney King on a couple of songs.  It is a simple question but certainly relevant.  Thanks again.

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Hi Wookiee.  I am glad that you enjoyed the song. Thanks for taking the time to respond and for the kind words.

Hey ABull.  Thanks very much for responding and your kind comments.  I too look forward to hearing a new one from you!!!

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Thank you Gary.  I very much appreciate your taking the time to listen and also appreciate your comments. 

Hi Steve.  Naw, you didn't miss the ball at all.  In fact, I am surprised that this number hasn't already moved over to page 2.  I am really glad that you liked it.  I rather like songs that tell a story and have a point, even if obliquely,.  That was my attempt on this song and I hope that it came across.  Thanks again for not only listening but for your comments also.

Hi Douglas.  Not bad, you were half right with your guess on what I was playing.  For the rhythm guitars I was indeed using a Strat; however, for the lead I used a Telecaster.  Fenders do have a distinctive sound.  Thanks very much for listening and for your encouragement!

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