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Flight Mission

Keith Wilby

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I wish I knew how to embed a Bandlab track on here ?

Anyway, here's "Flight Mission", a tongue-in-cheek ride in a fighter jet. I think it's almost there ... but the on-board fuse in my amp blew before I'd finished. Hope you enjoy it so far.


Edited by Keith Wilby
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Quick notes here:

Really like the way it builds in the beginning (reminds me of the way I want my MTV  builds in the intro).

The vocals need to come up in the chorus (climb in the cockpit).
I would bring down the sub-mix and pull back the Arena reverb on the guitars a bit (only during the vocal mind).
That's just how I would approach it, by automating the Verb buss and the Sub-Mix buss.

Great tune, really enjoyed, ?for sure from me...


My "standard" buss layout looks like this:

VOCALS and SUB-MIX routed to the MASTER. GUITARS, DRUMS, SPECIAL (Keys Synths Brass) to the SUB-MIX.
I use AUX tracks for Verbs and Delays, generally each Folder (Vocals Guitars Drums) has its own verbs and delays.

re: Your Marshall.
Which fuse?
Older Marshall's generally have an AC (Mains) and DC (HT, this is the "B+" as its often refereed to) fuse;
almost always "fast-blo" (vs. the Fender slow-blo on the AC only).
Lots of times its nothing, doesn't take much to kill a "fast" fuse; simply replace and go on.

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I think this one has greatness in it. I wanted some more punch in the drums when they come in at :44.    Really cool vocals, I'd bring 'em up a bit in the mix . . . The guitar tones are pretty awesome and clearly mixed.

Maybe overall, louder everything? Might be a mastering thing for down the line.

I especially appreciate the alternating soft / driving sections in the arrangement, good dynamics in this tune.




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" Blew the fuse in my Marshall" lol!  

The vocals in this are something that stood out for me, especially the harmonies which I really liked.  The Marshal is, well a Marshal and that sound works very well here for this song. Nice work all round'.

 I hope to hear more of your work in the future!

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On 7/26/2020 at 4:29 PM, DeeringAmps said:

re: Your Marshall.
Which fuse?

Just the one on-board fuse in this VS100, a 1A slow-blow. Replaced it but now the amp has a very unhealthy sounding mains hum the moment you power it on (before the valve (tube) warms up) so it's now on its way to the Marshall factory in Bletchley to have it fettled properly by those who know best.

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